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The EX rep is clueless. MyFICO does not own or hold your reports so how does EX figure MyFICO can change anything? LOL As previously noted, All MyFICO does is calculate a score based on whats on your CRA. I can only assume MyFICO is somehow incorrectly rendering something during the calculation.. That of course is only a speculation and why I recommend calling MyFICO cust service. This is quite the conundrum. Be sure to keep us updated.
jdeezy wrote:Im with you Tuscani. This is weird and I keep getting sent in circles. I have spoken with all three. (myfico, experian, creditor). None of them can really explain what happened and what has to be done to fix it. Myfico understands what Im explaining to them as the rep looked at the report and said that it looks like a typo. She said that I had to take it up with the creditor or dispute it with experian.Experian said that there is no point of disputing it because the creditor is not at fault because they have reported correctly to experian. and I agree because the same tradeline for EQ and TU from my fico is reported correctly.The rep at Ex said that she could send over an updated report and have myfico change the info. I can't figure this one out!
They should be.
jdeezy wrote:I will keep you updated . One more question Tuscani . I understand what you are saying about myfico is just the score of information that is in the reports that they pull from the CRA's.But to me it seems that for some reason my reports with them are reading differently than the CRA's. another example is my EQ reports that I have from my fico has tradelines that are not in the closed section like they are on the reports that Im getting from Ex directly.It just seems to me that whatever reports that we get pulled from myfico should be identical to the reports that we pull from the CRA's.
jdeezy wrote:
Myfico gets its reports from the CRA"S , is that correct OR does creditors report to myfico also? I don't think that is the case, But here is my dilema...................... I have one 30 day late being reported to Ex. If I pull my Ex file directly from them, the information is being reported correctly. (I called Ex to verify that it was correct also)...............On my Ex report that I pull from myfico, the information is incorrect. The tradeline states that the account has been 30 day's late one time in the 7 yr reporting section, but in the 81 month payment history it has a red box with 60 days late instead of 30 days.Is that mistake affecting my fico score?
Hi jdeezy –
It turns out the 60 day late referenced on your Experian report is, in fact, a myFICO formatting error in the report display. It should have indicated 30 days and has been reported to our tech team to correct.
The important thing to understand with this error and other such report display or formatting errors (vs. actual reporting errors at the bureau) is that these are purely 'cosmetic' and do not affect your FICO score. This is because FICO scores are calculated at the bureau before being sent to myFICO -- they are not calculated at myFICO or Fair Isaac.
So far we've discovered a few of these formatting errors with the new report display we launched a few weeks ago, and most, if not all, should be fixed within the next 30 days. Again, these are not issues that affect scores in any way.
I will post an update on these fixes within the next 30 days. Thanks to all of you who have brought these issues to our attention.
Barry will the reports that I just paid for be corrected or will I have these incorrect reports for my files? Thanks. I hope you can correct these glitches.
@Barry wrote:
@Anonymous wrote:Myfico gets its reports from the CRA"S , is that correct OR does creditors report to myfico also? I don't think that is the case, But here is my dilema...................... I have one 30 day late being reported to Ex. If I pull my Ex file directly from them, the information is being reported correctly. (I called Ex to verify that it was correct also)...............On my Ex report that I pull from myfico, the information is incorrect. The tradeline states that the account has been 30 day's late one time in the 7 yr reporting section, but in the 81 month payment history it has a red box with 60 days late instead of 30 days.Is that mistake affecting my fico score?Hi jdeezy –
It turns out the 60 day late referenced on your Experian report is, in fact, a myFICO formatting error in the report display. It should have indicated 30 days and has been reported to our tech team to correct.
The important thing to understand with this error and other such report display or formatting errors (vs. actual reporting errors at the bureau) is that these are purely 'cosmetic' and do not affect your FICO score. This is because FICO scores are calculated at the bureau before being sent to myFICO -- they are not calculated at myFICO or Fair Isaac.
So far we've discovered a few of these formatting errors with the new report display we launched a few weeks ago, and most, if not all, should be fixed within the next 30 days. Again, these are not issues that affect scores in any way.
I will post an update on these fixes within the next 30 days. Thanks to all of you who have brought these issues to our attention.
If the reports you just purchased have any of these kinds of myFICO report formatting errors -- not bureau reporting errors -- we can refund the purchase price for each report so you can then order updated reports at a later time. This is what we typically do in these situations. So, if you have any such errors on the reports you recently purchased, give me the specifics via a private message and I'll check it out.
They look fine to me. The new format is very well done and the forum is quite helpful. Now about the prices... LOL.
@Barry wrote:smallfry,
If the reports you just purchased have any of these kinds of myFICO report formatting errors -- not bureau reporting errors -- we can refund the purchase price for each report so you can then order updated reports at a later time. This is what we typically do in these situations. So, if you have any such errors on the reports you recently purchased, give me the specifics via a private message and I'll check it out.
You could ask the lender to rescore, or pull your report again and fax them a copy.
jdeezy wrote:Thanks Barry ! Sorry I haven't been on liine the past couple of days. I received a email saying that I had received a refund. I didn't know why until right now. Thats relly cool because I didn't even ask for it.I did run into a problem because of the error ! I just went to the table for a mortgage and the 60 day late was showing.( The lender used my fico)......... Can I get a updated report sent to them? If so how should I contact?........thanks in advance