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I've read some older topics on this forum about this but really didn't get a clear cut answer on what the heck does this really mean? I got several Account Information alerts from 2 CRB's so far with remarks like: Revolving/Options, Credit Card > Flexible Spending Credit Card, H/C to H/C Flexible Spending?
Did I trigger something with my Chase card?
@Anonymous wrote:I've read some older topics on this forum about this but really didn't get a clear cut answer on what the heck does this really mean? I got several Account Information alerts from 2 CRB's so far with remarks like: Revolving/Options, Credit Card > Flexible Spending Credit Card, H/C to H/C Flexible Spending?
Did I trigger something with my Chase card?
When Visa Signature and World MasterCards first came onto the scene, one of their benefits was that the issuing banks may allow the cardholder to spend above the set credit line (or as Chase calls it, the credit access line). The idea was that if this happened, the cardholder would have to repay the entire amount spent over the credit line plus a minimum payment of the amount of the credit line used. I would assume that this necessitated the creation of a new credit category in credit scoring so that the cardholder was not dinged for going over the set credit line. I could be wrong of course, given that most banks did not report the revolving credit lines on Signature and World cards back in the day to circumvent this issue.
Long story short, it does not really mean anything other than that your card type is a Visa Signature/Infinite or World/World Elite MasterCard. It is still seen as a revolving, credit card with a fancy name.
Thanks for the reply. I gather my card type has changed without notification? Weird. When CapOne changed my QS to WMC I at least got an email notification... And I've never gone over my CL. Maybe I'll get something from Chase hopefully.
Very strange. This just happened to my Sapphire & my Freedom. I wonder if this is some thing that they start to allow when your score improves enough, or you have enough history with them.
@Anonymous wrote:Very strange. This just happened to my Sapphire & my Freedom. I wonder if this is some thing that they start to allow when your score improves enough, or you have enough history with them.
CSR says that there are no changes to the CC account. Was placed on a brief hold to contact their CRB division to get more info, but unfortunately they are closed on weekends. CSR also advised to contact the CRB's as they should also have more detailed info on this. I took this suggestion as somewhat pointless, as I'd rather hear the Account Information Update change from the horse's mouth if you catch my drift.
Not directed at Chase in any way, shape, or form or the CSR, but this is the many systems challenges that the CCC Industry continue to face and yes of course they are not alone. When systems don't talk to each other to reflect any and all changes made on a customer's account -- Houston we have a problem! CRM (Customer Relationship Management) systems are only as good as its last update...
That's always good news!