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Credit building

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Credit building

I am building credit do you recommend me getting a small loan and with what agency
Message 1 of 4
Valued Member

Re: Credit building

This depends on what you mean by a "small loan" and your profile. Do you have derogatory entries on your credit or just no credit?  If you mean a personal loan extended to you at a fixed amount and repaid in fixed installments, no. That would be an anti-pattern and difficult to obtain from prime lenders with little history.  Instead, you should start with a secured card from a prime lender (like CapOne, Discover, Citi, etc..) that can be gradauated to a higher tier product with satisfactory performance. You would want to avoid the subprime market as much as possible (like CreditOne) as those lenders can be predatory (absurd fees and interest) and having their tradelines can devalue your credit worthiness.  


Tons of useful material on this site for you to peruse. 

Message 2 of 4
Valued Contributor

Re: Credit building

Ultimately, what a person needs to improve their FICO scores and build credit are three open credit cards (secured or unsecured) in good standing and one open installment loan in good standing such as a car, home, student, personal, share secured, or credit building loan. This combination is what the myFICO score theorists here have determined is what you need for optimal credit building and FICO score. You can have more CCs and more installment loans, however, this will not increase your FICO scores.

An installment loan will have its greatest impact on your FICO score when the amount owed is at 8.9% or less of the original amount owed which is usually in the final months before the loan is paid in full. If you don't have an installment loan you can check into Self Lender or a Share Secured Loan at a Credit Union.

Keep in mind, building credit is a marathon, not a sprint. It involves demonstrating to a potential creditor that you can handle credit responsibly. If you have open, active credit accounts that are being paid on time and pay all of your bills on time every time, apply for credit only when you actually need it and use credit cards sparingly maintaining low credit utilization, then you’re going to earn and maintain great credit scores. It would be impossible for you not to do so. This is the fastest way you can build good, solid credit.

Your FICO credit scores are not just numbers, it’s a skill.
Message 3 of 4
Valued Contributor

Re: Credit building

Op, as the above posts mentioned, it is a process and depends on where you are at in your profile as to where to begin.  They have pointed you in the right direction as I agree with their thoughts on this.  A lot of us have started in either rebuilding credit, repairing credit, or being new to credit in these forums.  My advice/opinion to you would be to search through these forums for pointers on anything related to rebuilding your credit.  Before you know it, you'll be well on the road to success!  

Total CL: $321.7kUTL: 2%AAoA: 7.0yrsBaddies: 0Other: Lease, Loan, *No Mortgage, All Inq's from Jun '20 Car Shopping

BoA-55k | NFCU-45k | AMEX-42k | DISC-40.6k | PENFED-38.4k | LOWES-35k | ALLIANT-25k | CITI-15.7k | BARCLAYS-15k | CHASE-10k

Message 4 of 4
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