Has anyone had issues with credit monitoring completely missing alert items such as new hard inquiries, new accounts reported, etc?
I have a couple of active ones thanks to various data breaches: TrustedID (Equifax), MyIDCare (OPM), ProtectMyID (hotel)
Plus I utilize some other ones on my own: CreditKarma, CreditCheckTotal, etc.
Here's the issue I ran into:
I recently added a PLOC at one of my credit unions, and a couple of weeks later I got alerts from most of them when it reported to EX, but that was it. Yesterday I did my annual credit reports and saw that it's been reporting to EQ since 12/31/17, and it's not reporting to TU at all. However, I never received any alerts for a new tradeline on EQ. I checked all the monitoring sites manually, and definitely nothing there. (Although MyIDCare does alert me every day that there are a lot of sex offenders in my neighborhood apparently )
Anyone else ever have this issue? Since I've had my info stolen so many times, I keep a pretty close eye on things and keep all my bureaus frozen or locked, but it's still frustrating that these services seem to still miss key items like this.