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I have a Kohls card that was closed in February. In March they reported me late. Can they report lates after the account is closed?
Yes, they can, and they will.
Creditors can report accurate information at any time. You could have an account closed 3 or 4 years ago that doesn't have any negative information reported on it (in error) and if the creditor recognizes this error and re-reports it (accurately) it will appear on your report years later. This isn't common, but can happen. So yes, the answer to your question is that a late can be reported after an account is closed.
Since the OP hasn't come back, reading through this thread made a question pop in my head: If you close, or a creditor closes, an account that still has a balance would that get reported at 100% utilization, the reported CL being the current balance?
From what I've seen the limit usually goes away, so you are adding to your debt numerator while nothing is added to the denominator (total credit limits) which means the account is adversely impacting your utilization in the worst way until the debt is gone on that account.
@Anonymous wrote:
It's paid in full now. I was just wondering if I could get rid of that late payment
You'll have to request goodwill from the creditor. The rebuilding forum has a lot of information on this process. Depending on who you're dealing with and the severity of your late payment (and when) these things can be anywhere from simple to difficult to make happen. Good luck!