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so im looking to get my first mortgage heres some data points and perspectives. my question is will it even be possible for me to get approved and what lenders i should try
credit score 700 accrossed board
100% payment history
0 derog
10% Utilization
55k truck loan (november 21)
13k personal loan (october 21)
2 new Credit cards (december 21)
20ish inquiries in 2 years
104k income verified
6 months on salaried job
no W2 or Taxes for last 2 years. i own my own company which my income is around 90k from on top of ky 104k salary but was told i cant use that bc havent filed taxes yet.
i have to file a 2020 amendment on my 2021 taxes bc covid made everything crazy. but i dont want to wait for taxes to buy.
one broker said we will just use my 2k a week salary as my income and my company as 2 year work history. true?
maybe navy federal? just opened acc and card with them
I am in a similar situation and was turned down by Navy Fed. However, the builder (Pulte) has approved me for my house being built so just keep your options open. You may get builder incentives to go with them like I did. Don't be afraid to try to negotiate your lender fees too.
Also, it is taking anywhere from 6 months to 10 months for a house to be built nowadays thanks to Covid causing staffing shortages which cause builder supply shortages. I am also telling you this because some lenders will not wait that long to fund your house so do not get inquiries you do not need to. Ask the lender before they take your application and run your credit if their company allows for this. They have to be honest with you. AmeriSave does not.