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@macinjosh wrote:
@UncleB wrote:
@macinjosh wrote:I went through a mid-life crisis last summer, and that wasn't fun. Now I feel like its coming again. Boy do I feel miserable today.
Hang in there, @macinjosh, this too shall pass.
For what it's worth, you're not alone. I've joked before that I've been out on the ledge for so long I've started to enjoy the breeze, LOL.
Life has been so hard the last year @UncleB. The go, go, go of the tinting business and my body's aches and pains increasing from being on my feet so much.
Plus the narcissit I live with. I've come to the point where she thinks I'm deaf because I can't hear half of what she says, but I know for a fact I'm not. I just don't care to hear her voice anymore. I've grown distant because I'm tired of her. I fake caring to get her to shut up, and in my mind I'm screaming at the top of my lungs wishing I could get away.
Collecting old Mac's is a distraction to keep my sanity, but even it isn't helping anymore.
@macinjosh, please take care of yourself. With the others, I highly recommend seeking out a good mental health psychologist/psychiatrist/therapist. Many years ago, I made myself make and keep an appointment with a therapist. The best decision I ever made for my sanity and wellbeing.
@calyx wrote:Good morning Gardeners,
Still Gardening.
Forecast is both worse and better. Depends on what the systems off the coast does, apparently.
So anywhere from 1-18" of "precipitation" (which, as weather peeps like to remind us make it hard to measure for the average person because sleet != snow != ice). We're more concerned about Tues/Wed next week as stuff melts and refreezes.
I went ahead and booked pool time for Bear for tomorrow since the bad weather is supposed to start later, and I like the 10AM pool time for her. Prepped plenty of foodstuffs, so if we lose power we don't have to leave the house for good meals.
And since @expatCanuck has been sharing bread - my new find are the delightful shiitake crisps. I think they're excellent, and chopped they make the most fabulous croutons.
@calyx, thank you so much for posting this, as I had never heard of them until your post. I can hardly wait to try them.
Friday paydays are always the best Fridays
Still here... Been gone for a minute.
Almost 3 years in this place.
There's two cards I've been eyeing, but I won't, lol.
Eating with chopsticks left-handed wasn't nearly as difficult as I expected.
Possibly easier than with the fork.
EQ | 850 | 2 INQ (Auto, Mort) | 7y4m |
EX | 850 | 6 INQ (2 CC, 2 mort, 2 auto) | 7y |
TU | 850 | 1 INQ (CC) | 6y8m |
3/24 | 1/12 | AoYA 10m | AoOA 24y2m | ~1% |
@expatCanuck wrote:Eating with chopsticks left-handed wasn't nearly as difficult as I expected.
Possibly easier than the fork.
But can you split the meat with them?
Never understood that. Why eat with two sticks? Just use one that is pointy and sharp for stabbing.
@kilroy8 wrote:Never understood that. Why eat with two sticks? Just use one that is pointy and sharp for stabbing.
@ScoreSizzle wrote:
@expatCanuck wrote:Eating with chopsticks left-handed wasn't nearly as difficult as I expected.
Possibly easier than the fork.
But can you split the meat with them?
Didn't try -- didn't need to. That said, I'd struggle to do that with my right hand. 🙄
EQ | 850 | 2 INQ (Auto, Mort) | 7y4m |
EX | 850 | 6 INQ (2 CC, 2 mort, 2 auto) | 7y |
TU | 850 | 1 INQ (CC) | 6y8m |
3/24 | 1/12 | AoYA 10m | AoOA 24y2m | ~1% |