No credit card required
Browse credit cards from a variety of issuers to see if there's a better card for you.
One of my cards is a Primor Green Dot. I regret getting that card, but, if you are diligent, it works out ok (so far). Their interface for account info and payments is TERRIBLE. Initially, that made me distrust them to the point that I was worried they'd put phantom charges on my card and not tell me, so I'd end up with a late fee. I was on the verge of canceling them simply over their sleazy account and payment interface. But I decided to let a little time pass first (logging in twice a day looking for phantom charges), and at this point, I think they are legit as far as that goes. I think their strategy is for people who do not pay a lot of attention to pay interest and late fees, but given where I am with this stuff right now, 47 years old, laser-focused on credit, it's not a risk for me.
I suspect that Credit One would be a similar situation. Probably OK for my situation.
Having said that, shortly after I posted this thread, I ended up getting an Amazon Store Card with a $1,500 limit, so I don't think a $2,000 Credit One card would matter as much now, if I did in fact get that high a limit (still not sure whether I would). So, I decided to pass on this, and just let stuff age.
Thanks for all responses. Other people are going to find this thread either by looking at the board or through a web search, so it's all helpful for somebody.
That is perfect - the Amazon store card is a MUUUUUCH better card than Credit One. Congrats on getting that! And good call on letting this stuff age for a while before you make any more credit moves.
Congrats! I am glad it worked out for you.
Some people like that store card even better than the Chase/Visa version. I'm actually leaning more towards it myself once I'm done gardening - I need to avoid new Chase cards for a while.
Yeah, I didn't even know about the Amazon Store Card until last week, somehow. I buy a lot of stuff from Amazon. My main TV was a $1,900 Amazon purchase, for example. So, 5% off Amazon seemed like a good long-term choice for me. I decided to apply, knowing I'd probably get the secured version, but that it would eventually graduate to unsecured. I was fine with that. Applied, and got a notification that I had to call them to verify some information. I was worried I might not even get the secured store card due to the flurry of accounts I'd opened recently. I called, and it turned out that I had listed my cell number as both cell and home phone. They clarified that, put me on hold, and came back a minute later saying I was approved for a $1,500 limit. It was quite surprising to me and I decided to quit while I was ahead.
@simplegirl wrote:
I actually prefer it over chase because I don’t see the point of getting a store card from an actual bank or even using the card anywhere but on amazon.
It's a neat metal card, though
Apart from that, I agree that the Visa doesn't really bring anything useful to the table for most people, there are better no-AF rewards cards out there for Non-amazon purchases.
You also get 0% special financing offers on some purchases with it, which the Chase card doesn't offer. You do miss out on the 5% reward at Whole Foods, if that matters for anyone - I don't shop there so I don't care
Kind of funny that they even issue a physical card at all, since it can only be used for online shopping and it's automatically linked to your account as soon as you are approved for it. If/when I get an amazon store card, I'll probably immediately destroy my physical card; no point in keeping it around for would-be thieves to get their hands on.