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@Anonymous wrote:
First question I’ll ask do au accounts do anything for Fico scores
I’m low 5s currently. I need to be 620 atleast in about 6 months
I have. Au account that’s at 97% utilization. Friend uses it for buisness and it’s Christmas it’s usually at 10% Will be for the remaining 6 months going forward -- If this AU Card is brought down to <8.9%. You will have some good boost.
Au account that’s at 35 %. 2700/8000 I pay 150 a month on it
3 basic cards -- you should put some expenses on these cards. Best to keep it <8.9% on One card and rest all cards at 0. Fico somehow doesn't like 0 on Credit cards across. This should give you some points go forward.
discover it 0/200 balance
capital one platinum 0/300
American heritage 0/300
Installments are
Self lender 370/500 ( something close to that ) 25 month payment
Affirm 800/1000 66 month payment
Charge offs are
Wfds repo was turned in 07/17 by my exwife I had co signed for no missed payments just on the balance after resale 6800$ owed
Wells Fargo credit card 03-2017 ignored it - went to charge off paid it over this summer reports settled for less 0 Balance
Citi bank sears card -stoped paying in summer 2018 5599/4000 balance reported Just settled it for 2,000$ a few days ago so will be reporting 0 balance soon? ( should this Boost my score? It was 140% utilized). Yes, I believe so since your total UTL will come down drastically.
Verizon went to charge off dec 2017 paid it November 2018
Active collection is er or ar something like that for 564$ Currently disputing before I ask for a pfd.
What do you guys think my chances are of being at 620 mid score in 6 months and what suggestions do you have? I got divorced and Kinda fell into a rut on the stuff changing my life around this last year and trying to buy home this upcoming summer.
See my Underlined reponses above. Doing those things month over month should give you some good boost in about 6 months.
Try working out with those chargeoffs in form of PFD ( Pay for delete ) or Goodwill letters. Mind you, the success ratio is low but you never know, you could be that lucky one. Take your chances and work on it. If those fall off, that is it then. you are set to get HIGHER SCORES into 700s.
Note : About the 3 Basic Credit Card balance which i talked about above, always follow AZEO ( All Zero Exept One ( <8.9%) ).
Other Gurus here can correct me if i'm wrong.
Hi @Anonymous, I restored your missing thread and merged it with replies from your new one. I don't think you'll have the problem again but if you do just let a mod know and we can correct it.
@Anonymous wrote:
My current scores are mid 5s but I think they will go up low 6s in next month. This is what’s in my report
The good
Au account - chase - 14872/15000 - is paid just not reporting yet was maxed out for Christmas inventory ( my bosses) ( does this show on myFICO being a au? I’m confused looking at myFICO first tine ) Is this a business card from your employer your AU on?
Au account - citi Home Depot - 2750/8000 (step moms added me I spent 3500 over summer I pay 150 month towards it has 0 interest )
Capital one platinum 0/300
Discover it secured 0/200
American heritage secured 0/300
Installment loans
Affirm 800/100 (66$ Month payment ) - Experian only Only need 1 loan reporting. You could close this one out since it only reports to 1 CRA
Self lender 37x/500 ( 25 month payment )
The bad
Unpaid c/o
Wells Fargo dealer services 68xx This wont help much. Is this left over from a repo?
Paid c/o
Wells Fargo credit card - was over maxed out didn’t lay it for 2 years. Paid it off few months ago reports as 0 balance
Sears citi bank - 5599/4000 - just settled on Friday 12-13 so that should lower my utilization drastically since it was at 140%
Verizon Fios - paid over year ago came off Equifax some how but not trans and Experian
Active collection
ER collection for 564$. You can go to the business office of the hospital and pay this and ask to have the collection removed.
Trying to get to 620 in 6 months. Do you guys think it’s possible? Also do you think my score will go up a lot when that sears card reports settled because my utilization lowers? What are your suggestions
With the baddies that are still pending like WF, the collections, then the kinda high util on the Home Depot account. It may be a bit of a uphill thing. Settling the CO's will help. But they still are dings against you. It will help your overall aggregate util the most which could help some. Its too close to call. The bad outweighs the good in the FICO world. People with 800 scores get 1 late with no other dings. Its a score killer. Do what you have to do to get everything paid down. Start sending GW letters to all you paid. Its a long shot. But it could land on a desk of someone that would delete it. It also depends on how old these CO's are. Paying down the existing debts and aging of the dings will do the most good. Good Luck and Happy Holidays.
I figured some kind of connection. If they keep running up balances that high. It isnt helping. Then get yourself removed. It all comes down to making some type of payment arraingements to get the past paid down/settled. Mortgage companies will want to see all past baddies paid/settled or whatever it takes to get them all to 0 owed. No collections or HP's for new credit at leat 6 months prior to applying for a mortgage. Some things they might overlook and tell you what needs to be cleaned up. Basically all the CO's, collections will have to have 0 balance. So 6 months may turn into a year fro now or however long it takes to get outa debt. Wish I had better news. Happy Holidays and hope in 2020 you can reach the goal of homeownership!
The util drops will help. The charge offs are still charge offs. But at least they quit updating. That will help. The collections go after PFD. More heplp. I cant predict what the scores will land on. No one posters matches another. There's a possibility yes. But in your oringinal post you had mid 500's. If they were 570-590. Yes possiblly. But I wont put my mouth on it and say yes. Get your hopes up and it doesnt happen. Just work it and see what happens. Think positive and it will happen.