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I got these accounts addedn, which defaulted during Covid. Disheartening as my credit score was in the high 600's and now it is at 560. The new accounts show 22 missed payments between them, at a whopping 82%. Wondering why it still currently shows as missing payments? The only ones reported are up to when the account was closed, correct? I have made a few PFD before, I am assuming I will be doing the same here? My income has improved, and I should be able to pay the $9k or so in debt before the summer. Looking for any guidance and advice. See the screenshots below for your viewing pleasure.
If you can do pfds that would help a lot. Some may not go for it. I think it helps if you can get the charge offs to report zero due.
It's not the end of the world. I just posted last night about how I had two credit cards in years prior to rebuilding that went into collections! That's way worse than non payment and then making payments.
I also let an old cell phone bill go into collections. I paid them off at the beginning of my rebuild.
Anyway, once I started focusing on payments being made on time and paying off my debts as fast as possible, while maintaining small balances so I had something to pay, my score increased from 580 to 800 in 2.5 years and I have 129k in available credit at 3% credit utilization.
It's not the end of the world. It's not great, but it's not going to ruin things for life. Everyone runs into problems if they didn't come from a super well off family from birth.
It can feel like one mistake will ruin your credit for life when you see a lot of perfection on the internet, but just take a breath and get back on track. You will be OK. It will just take a few months longer than it would have without the missed payments.