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Hi guys, Greetings!
I'm in the process of rebuilding my credit from a big Health Crisis I had in 2013. I had mold in my NYC apt building, and in addition, there was overly used pesticide and mouse killer coctail in my apt (landlords had used their son instead of a real Exterminator). I didn't know what was wrong with me and couldn't work for a few months, went to the ER 7 times trying to figure out what was wrong, freaked out and moved out of NYC to rebuild my health. I burned all my bills in a big fire in the back yard, shook my fist and the sky and got on the Dave Ramsey plan. It took a couple years to get over that. So I "rejoined society" (LOL) in the fall of 2016, started rebuliding my credit. Ordered my credit reports and started paying off the medical bills, utilities and all the dings that happened as a result of my illness - defaulted on a Sallie Mae school loan and 2 credit cards (ouch). I did all the work myself, made all the calls and got rid of all those dings.
Flash forwared to today, Dec. 8 2018. I have removed every single ding except Navient Solutions (apparently my loan spent some time with Navient while I was "out of commision"???), which is no longer in business, has a ding on my Experian for my school loan default, and Sallie Mae has a ding on my TransUnion and Equifax for my school loan default - EVEN THOUGH I was able to rehab my loan and am currently successfully paying on it. They still report the default regardless. Has anyone had any success with removing Navient from their credit reports, since they are out of business now, and also Sallie Mae if you rehab your loan and resume the payments??? Any and all info would be appreciated.
Wells Fargo now reports my Experian FICO 9 at 689. Wells reports this score monthly for free in your account on their website. But when I payed $1 on the Experian website just now to pull all 3 of my scores, Experian lists my 3 scores as FICO8 Experian - 669, Equifax 656 and TransUnion 659. Not sure how accurate that is, but that's what was on there.
Thank you all, and I hope you all are having a wonderful Holiday season! May we all get to the 800 Club!
Not sure where you are getting that Navient is closed, they are still very much open and I pay them every month. Sallie Mae and Navient did separate the types of loans in 2012, where Sallie Mae took all the private loans and Navient took over all the federal loans
Hey Dynamic, yes I realized my mistake yesterday when I started clicking around online. I had heard online that they were either closed, or going to be closed or something of that nature - I guess because there had been a massive lawsuit against them for mishandling people's loans. I wrongfully assumed that had come to pass, when in actually they are still alive.
So, I have a bad mark from Navient on one of my beureaus, and one from Sallie Mae on the other two. Just wondering if there is a way to get them off - has anyone had any success? When do they come off - is it the same amount of time as other dings? These bad marks are the sole survivers of the huge train wreck and awful credit event that happend as a result of my 2013 illness. I figure they've got to come off of there sometime??
Assuming you're not defaulted/late/etc (again) - they'll probably come off in the usual 7 year timeframe unless you can get either company to goodwill them to get them off earlier. If you search through the MyFico forums, it might help you with a letter you can write to send them. Note that this is at the discretion of the company.
That "probably" is because some federal loans have mandatory reporting requirements beyond the standard FCRA 7 years thing, so you might want to do a little reading/research into the Higher Education Act, just to be sure.
Its 7 years just like any others. I wish you the best of luck. Sallie Mae has some inaccurate stuff on my EQ that says they were included in BK, which is not correct as they were just transferred to Navient in 2012 about the same time I filed.
Sallie Mae can not even find me in their system when I call, but they won't remove the negatives. And disputes have come back as verified each time( me thinks EQ does not always really file disputes or Sallie Mae just says they are valid without checking). The accounts are correct on the other two. I just finally gave up as those tradelines should fall from EQ in April so I'm just waiting this one out.
Thanks so much for the replies, Dynamic and Suzemo! Ok, so worst case scenario, these marks are there for another 2 years. I had good luck with Portfolio Recovery removing their bad marks after I called in to ask for a Goodwill Adjustment - didn't even have to write the letter! *LUCKY*. So I'm first going to try calling Navient and Sallie Mae. If that doesn't work, I'll go ahead and send a letter. I believe that if I work on it dilligently, I might be able to get them to relent - especially since they are getting money from me every month???????? (you would think they would be willing to make my life easier so I can continue to repay them???? Geeezzzz :/)
please do report back and let us know if you have any luck getting the late payments removed when i spoke to them on the phone last they said i could try a goodwill letter but basically probably wouldn't happen. So i am actually looking to go the route of having them deleted off my reports completely. They reported an incorrect late payment on all my student loans during a deferrment period and wouldn't change it when I spoke to them.
Hi TK, I will definitely post it here any success or failure that I encounter with them. Did you notice that when you call Sallie Mae, you get the recording of the flippant guy's voice? I'm not sure why this salesmanlike demeanor is appropriate in the USA, when it comes to Education??? There are some fundamental principles here that are just "off" and we are all going to have to work together to stop this. I don't want to hear a mean, cutthroat Salesman's voice when I call an institution that facillitates Higher Learning. We are going to have to learn how to put these companies and Corporations In Check.
@Anonymous wrote:Hi TK, I will definitely post it here any success or failure that I encounter with them. Did you notice that when you call Sallie Mae, you get the recording of the flippant guy's voice? I'm not sure why this salesmanlike demeanor is appropriate in the USA, when it comes to Education??? There are some fundamental principles here that are just "off" and we are all going to have to work together to stop this. I don't want to hear a mean, cutthroat Salesman's voice when I call an institution that facillitates Higher Learning. We are going to have to learn how to put these companies and Corporations In Check.
My theory is that since they don't have to give good customer service, they don't bother.
When I consolidated my SLs, I went through a lot of reviews online to see which company seemed to have the least egregarious complaints (since you could switch your provider/manager/whathaveyou), and I still nearly had a missed payment because they didn't bother to inform me that because my request for direct/ACH payment had come after a cut off (this info is not mentioned any where in their paperwork or website and I received no notification except that my request had been processed), and that I had to make a manual payment.
The website DID say that the payment would not post until 2 business days after the due date, so I was technically late by the time I knew the payment had not come out (I was watching the website every day to make sure it had been deducted). The upside is that the company I chose did have live customer reps easy to reach (not all do), so I was able to fix it right away (with the CS rep giving me the whole cut off information at that point).
I was reading the statistics of the number of people who re-default on the student loans after rehab or consolidation, and not an insignificant percentage claimed to be due to non or miscommunication with the new lending/management companies. The loans are guaranteed by the gov't with special laws governing that they're not subject to the same rules for CRA reporting, they can garnish wages, etc... and fees get applied if a client misses payments. Bad customer service is rewarded in this particular industry. I get that the loans are our responsibilities, but they don't have to be so bad about administering them, but it's not against their interest to be good at CS either (like "regular" banks/industries). [/rant off]
I used a company called ConServ to rehab my loan. I set the monthly payment to come automatically out of my bank account and it was only $5. After about 8 months of this, my loan was purchased by a bank in FL called SunTrust. I've made about 4 payments to them so far. I've been kind of taking it easy after a couple years on the Dave Ramsey plan, I actually hurt my back from commuting so much for work almost nonstop. But after hearing this, I'm going to try to hustle it up a little bit and pay down the rest of the loan which is $7500. It's disgusting, the loan amount seems to be at the same amount that I borrowed, even though I have payed anywhere between $60 and $80 on the loan for 5 years before I got sick. It was down to around $5000, and now because of the default it's up THIS MUCH. It's absolutely disgusting what they do to you in the USA for trying to better yourself and get an education. I saw a video on YouTube of one young lady who chose to forego having housing for a whole year and put all her stuff in storage, so she could give her entire first year's paycheck almost to paying down her school loan. She did it, she knocked out about $40,000 in that year, but had to sleep in her car. What if she had gotten **bleep**/killed out there? This isn't right what they are doing to us and we are all going to have to stand up and change this. I'm going to knock out this $7500 as fast as I can. After doing Dave Ramsey for 2 years, I know I can knock it out pretty fast. But I'm saying.... and, ironically, the school loan is right now my oldest form of Credit. If I pay it all off very soon, I will now most likely lose some points on my CR for my average age of credit going down. So, it's all a game of chutes and ladders that we have to be very, VERY careful with. I don't even want to think about what could happen if I defaulted on this loan. This is a very dark world we have to live in, with this BS. I'm just going to knock it out and then from now on, cashflow any/every endevor from now on and never take a school loan or any other kind of loan unless it's a mortgage. This has been a huge lesson.