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Just realized that WFDS reported 4 30 day lates and 1 60 day late Jan - May 2018 on an account that was closed back in Feb 2015 w/ a 0 Bal.
Between Aug and Dec 2017 I built a home and closed in Dec 2018 so I belive I submitted a few disputes after closing including one to WFDS, I dont remeber for what, but they must have updated w/ this and I never realiazed it. I've obtained credit after that.
Also most recently I tried BlueSky to clean some old stuff up and it didn't do anything. So I am not 100 percent sure how long thats been there, but its defnitley wrong. Any suggestions?
When did you pay the debt that became delinquent back in 2015?
The entire loan was paid off in full in Novemeber of 2015.
Per CRA rules accounts closed and paid off should not update anymore. Having paid this off in good status in 2015 to list lates anytime after it was paid is in error. They can say max delinquency was but not that they were late in 2018 as it was clearly not. I would use the direct dispute with the creditor over this.