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I'm lucky to have great parents. We took turns lending each other money and/or cosigning loans over the years as needed.. Always kept track of and paid back/paid on time.
The only person I would ever co-sign anything for or loan money to is my father. I would never do it for a friend or a girlfriend.
He's never asked for it, never would ask unless it was serious, has supported me during some tough times and paid for everything I needed until I turned 18, but he's getting older. If he ever needs anything, and it is within my ability to do so, I will provide it no questions asked. If he pays me back (which I'm 100% sure he would), fine. If not, I'm okay with that too.
I owe him that much and the responsibility of caring for him is something I'm happy to take on, seeing as he did the same for me when I was incapable of taking care of myself.
I think it has to be situational. I would lend my brother money, and not ask to pay it back. He has good credit, just struggles financially because he doesn't have a good job and is working on his degree to become a math teacher. I would do the same for both of my aunts, as they both have good credit and I know they would never ask unless there was no other option. They've also both been there for me in my hard times.
My parents have terrible credit and steal from people, myself included. Giving them money would enable them, and whatever situation they got themselves into was definitely selfish and their own doing.
I feel so conflicted when my mom asks for money because she has TERRIBLE spending habits, but she's sacrificed so much for me.
If I can afford to lose it then I give it with no expectations. If I'll miss it then I tell her I don't have it.
@zumroff wrote:They raised your ass. You dont ask them to pay you back.
Isn't that their entire job though? I mean, it's not like I willed myself into existence. It takes two and a very deliberate process to make a kid.
hey what did you do to increase your credit scores from 500?
When I do not have money, my parents can borrow and do not expect that I will return them, and I also lend to my parents and do not wait for their return.
@kingkai1990 wrote:
@zumroff wrote:They raised your ass. You dont ask them to pay you back.
Isn't that their entire job though? I mean, it's not like I willed myself into existence. It takes two and a very deliberate process to make a kid.
I am guessing you don't have kids.
I partially support my parents (very very partially), but they are in their mid-70's, mother is on SSDI, father SS and part time income. My mother tries to juggle but has difficulties because my father doesn't think about tomorrow, so they never could save. So, I send them monthly (they don't ask, I just do) and I fill their heating oil tanks every year. They really need to downsize but my father won't give up his house. When they do ask, we send (if we can) and do not expect it to be paid back, but they usually do, like others have stated, around tax refund time.