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Neighbor I Barely Know Asked For $5k Loan! What?????

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Neighbor I Barely Know Asked For $5k Loan! What?????

A neighbor 3 doors down left a note in my mailbox to give him a call. DH and I only know he and hie wife to wave at them, although DH did lend him a handtool years ago, which he had to go ask for as it wasn't returned promptly. (DH was working on his Honey-Do list when the neighbor was walking past.)


The note was addressed to me call. I did, expecting something innocuously neighborly. He asked if I could meet him at a nearby Starbucks next morning. (I'm in real estate, so figured it was about business and thought nothing of it.)


But after small talk, the guy sheepishly says, "I hate to ask this, but my wife and I are about to lose our house." He says it's ue to him having lost 2 businesses and fallen on hard times in the past 3 years or so. Bank that holds the HELOC is foreclosing on Tuesday...yes, Nov 1...unless he comes up with the arrears. He says they've got everything but $4,600.


Listen to this. "Would you help me out here?" He even proceeds to suggest ways I can use my finances to achieve this, like getting a cashadvance on my credit cards. Nevermind even asking if I HAVE credit cards!!!! At any rate, I'd never take a cash advance with that instant 25% interest rate, plus the red flags it would send off to my creditors. 


I'm intrigued to see how far he's going to go with this affrontery, so I sit on my hands, all the while thinking, "I don't even know these people except to wave in the streets at!" So, don't worry, little does he know, there's no danger of me handing offer even reimbursement for the coffee. But he says taking it from my retirement accounts like IRA, 401k, etc would take too long, so that's not an option for me.


I keep my cool and say how sorry I am they're in such dire straits, but aren't his 3 daughters a)a financial consultant, b)a teacher, c)social worker recently married to an attorney. What abotu your religious community, friend, know... people whose last name you actually know. Oddly, I couldn't even recall his until I looked it up later. I must have made a dozen or more suggestions of how he might postpone, delay, avoid, the foreclosure, but remarkably, he had an excuse for why none of those would work, (already tried that, can't get a credit card because he'd already filed BK 4 years ago, can't get an auto title loan because the car's only worth $2k, on and on and on...)


He says, although they can't pay me back in 2 months, they'd be happy to pay back any interest charges I'd incur. (No mention of any extra interest I'd charge them for my troubles. And no offer to put anything in writing. Nope. Just can I follow you to the nearest bank so you can do a cash advance, or take money out of your regular savings???


Funnily, I don't even recall how I ended this because I was dying to get away to laugh away my outrage!


An hour or so later I'd stopped in a store to pick up some shopping and he called again! Said he and wifey had taken one suggestion and she asked CapOne for an increase on her $500 limit. INSTANT Denial, so he didn't even bother to apply for a card for himself with them. No doubt she's maxed out, been late, etc. But as son-in-law is providing free legal advice, he'd supposedly made a call to the mortgagee who, impressed with the funds they've already raised--no idea what the total amount was--lowered the remaining amount they'd take to $2,300. I say that's good news, I'm sure you'll think of some way to meet that gap by close of business Monday.


INSERT LONG PREGNANT PAUSE HERE....................."So, can you help us with the $2,300 now?????"


W-T [absolute]-F?!?!?!?!


And once again, I hear myself saying: "no, I'm sorry. I hope it all works out for you. Goodbye."


Flabberghasted. I'm curious as to why he targetedt me, and how deep this all goes. So I got onto PACER this morning, (account still works) and dug into his--what turned out to be 4 (four) BK filings between him, and wifey since 2009 (GLOBAL meltdown). They've filed BK7 and BK13, singularly and jointed, all of which were dismissed as recently as July 2016, except the first BK7 of his. Reason? Missed payments to the Trustee...AND the LAWYERS, none of who were his son-in-law.


I tell you, it was fascinating reading! He'd apparently screwed a doctor friend out of $28k. Doctor sued, received judgment, then they tried to include the judgment in the most recent filing, doctor has since died, but his estate still holds the debt.


He also wiped otu the $3k debt a friend gave him to buy the Honda beater in 2010. Friend hired attorney to represent him in that filing, but even though he had signed documentation, (charging 0%, btw), Neighbor and wifey, declared that the car was destroyed in a wreck so they no longer owed for it. I must have missed something because the court did discharge this debt, allowing him to screw his friend out of the loan and the cost of hiring an attorney. Phew!


They claim to have since gotten jobs and are bringing in some $87k a year, including $36k from the grown daughters, (one 30-ish year old still lives at home.) And contested several of the Trustee's motions to dismiss, claiming "extraordinary expenses" in those particular months. I know for a fact that one of those Extraordinary Expenses was the lavish wedding thrown for the daughter now married to the attorney last year.


I was secretly thinking to myself while sipping coffee with him yesterday morning, that he must have either burned a ton of bridges that he's only able to try to touch up a near-stranger like me for thousands. I was right.


I wonder if they realize that even if they're able to raise the funds, they still won't be able to keep up with next month's/next week's regular mortgage payment, property taxes, arrears payments, living expenses, etc. If indeed imminent foreclosure is a reality, because, I've checked the foreclosure list for Nov 1 and they're home isn't on it, nor has it been in any month in the past year, nor in the upcoming 2 months. I'm certain, it's going into foreclosure soon, but I know he's lying about the Tuesday drop-dead date. Perhaps, to raise money to skip out? Do I have a bulleye on my forehead!!!


Lmao. If he won't pay his friends, his doctor (also his friend and church member), nor the mortgagee, why the heck would he expect me to think he'd pay me. More over, why the heck did he think I was a good bet? I'm truly offended. BFF says it's due to the new car I'm driving that still has dealer plates (dang Texas takes forever to issue permanent plates!)


Curious. While I don't actually wish them ill will, I'm actually rooting for the foreclosure as I'd just as soon not have these [INSERT WHATEVER THE HECK THEY ARE HERE] living 3 doors down from me anymore. I'm offended that he thinks I'm financially savvy and successful enough to have access to funds, even if I have to put myself into debt; yet not savvy enough to simply check the online BK records, etc., AND not knwo better than to at least geet something in writing AND collateralized...for all the good it did his friend to gave him the title loan. Hmmmph!) I've blocked his number but that will only send it direct to voicemail. But it gives me pause that I'll likely run into just walking the dog, or getting the mail.


I can't actually ever even recall lending money to any one, nor even anyone asking me in recent memory. Wow! This was such a "knock me over with a feather and call me Haggy Sue" experience, I've been laughing and fuming about it in equal measure ever since!


Message 1 of 118
117 REPLIES 117
Valued Contributor

Re: Neighbor I Barely Know Asked For $5k Loan! What?????


One might think that this story couldn't be true, but I find it so outrageous that you can't make it up! 


This story just made me laugh out loud. Sorry, it's so ridiculous that I couldn't hold the giggles in.



Message 2 of 118
Frequent Contributor

Re: Neighbor I Barely Know Asked For $5k Loan! What?????

Absolutely ridiculous. As I always say, "there's no cure for stupid."

FICO 8 Scores: EX 706 (11/3/2016) EQ 696 (11/17/16) TU 708 (11/17/2016)

"Use your Credit wisely, don't let it use you!"~Me Smiley Very Happy

Message 3 of 118
Not applicable

Re: Neighbor I Barely Know Asked For $5k Loan! What?????

That neighbor of yours must have some brass ba*** to ask something like that of a person he barely knows. Ughh, smh.  Ridiculous and insane at the same time.  I hope everything works out for him though.

Message 4 of 118
Not applicable

Re: Neighbor I Barely Know Asked For $5k Loan! What?????

Wow, LadyAng, that is crazy! I can't even believe someone would have the, uh...guts, to ask someone that! I hope no one bails them out, as they obviously have deep issues and have not learned a single thing from going through multiple BKs. I wonder if they won't ask family for help because they are maintaining a facade, or could be they have burned all bridges. I really, really hope they don't live next to you for much longer. 

Message 5 of 118
Not applicable

Re: Neighbor I Barely Know Asked For $5k Loan! What?????

Wow! They have obviously made a career out of ripping people off. Be careful and change up your routine some in case they are watching you and your house.

Message 6 of 118
Not applicable

Re: Neighbor I Barely Know Asked For $5k Loan! What?????

@Anonymous wrote:

Wow! They have obviously made a career out of ripping people off. Be careful and change up your routine some in case they are watching you and your house.

That's my thinking, too. Geez Louise! You just never realize how people see you. I actually did a stealth "take out the garbage yesterday afternoon as all houses on this block share an alley. You should have seen me. Anybody watching might have thought I was disposing of a body, I was so edgy looking all around and over my shoulder Then dashing back inside the fence! Lol.

Message 7 of 118
Not applicable

Re: Neighbor I Barely Know Asked For $5k Loan! What?????

@Anonymous wrote:

@Anonymous wrote:

Wow! They have obviously made a career out of ripping people off. Be careful and change up your routine some in case they are watching you and your house.

That's my thinking, too. Geez Louise! You just never realize how people see you. I actually did a stealth "take out the garbage yesterday afternoon as all houses on this block share an alley. You should have seen me. Anybody watching might have thought I was disposing of a body, I was so edgy looking all around and over my shoulder Then dashing back inside the fence! Lol.

Also, is your mail secure?  You don't want your mails to start disappearing all of a sudden.  If your mail isn't completely secure, I suggest you get one these. It is solid and very good although the price is a little up there.

Message 8 of 118
Senior Contributor

Re: Neighbor I Barely Know Asked For $5k Loan! What?????

Sounds as if your neighbors are crooks....JMHO!

TU fico08=824 06/16/24
EX fico08=815 06/16/24
EQ fico09=809 06/16/24
EX fico09=799 06/16/24
EQ fico bankcard08=838 06/16/24
TU Fico Bankcard 08=847 06/16/24
EQ NG1 fico=802 04/17/21
EQ Resilience index score=58 03/09/21
Unknown score from EX=784 used by Cap1 07/10/20
Message 9 of 118
Not applicable

Re: Neighbor I Barely Know Asked For $5k Loan! What?????

@Anonymous wrote:

@Anonymous wrote:

@Anonymous wrote:

Wow! They have obviously made a career out of ripping people off. Be careful and change up your routine some in case they are watching you and your house.

That's my thinking, too. Geez Louise! You just never realize how people see you. I actually did a stealth "take out the garbage yesterday afternoon as all houses on this block share an alley. You should have seen me. Anybody watching might have thought I was disposing of a body, I was so edgy looking all around and over my shoulder Then dashing back inside the fence! Lol.

Also, is your mail secure?  You don't want your mails to start disappearing all of a sudden.  If your mail isn't completely secure, I suggest you get one these. It is solid and very good although the price is a little up there.

Thank you. I like the looks of that. But my mailbox is incased in a brick surround, as mandated by the HOA. I'll try to look for a "lid only" solution. Maybe I can just have the mailbox door replaced with a locking one.

Message 10 of 118
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