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I'm definitely glad this thread was a sticky. I was looking for this info as I try to increase my rank so I can put pics in my signature. As it stands currently a mod helped me out.
As the result of your contributions to the community, you have earned a new rank. Your new rank is Regular Contributor.
Yah! nice to have access to uploading images )
@MidnightVoice wrote:And the formula is as clear as the FICO formula
Obviously length of service (registration date) has little effect, as certain of us have been here since very soon after the forum opened
My fico forum AAOA
I don't think kudos received has much to do with it as some of the super contributors have under 1500 received and a low percentage of posts to kudos. To me anything over 20% is good because that means much of what you say is of some value.
Best I can telll the rankings are primarily based on # posts and minutes on-line. You need a certain minimum posts and minutes on-line to get to the next level. Others posters have presented data indicating # of sign-ins may be a factor as well. Kudos is not a factor nor is time since 1st sign-in. [system glitch on 7/22/2016 reset minutes on line dropping rank for many posters.]
A breakdown of minimum posts (and minutes on-line) for each rank is shown below. Not much data on sign-ins. [note: visitor rankings appear to follow the same QTY for posts as member rankings].
Added column with potential minimum on-line minutes based on glitch data. "Tested" thresholds for Established Member, Valued Member, New Contributor, Contributor, Regular Contributor and Frequent Contributor. [On-line minutes threshold over 3600 for Established Contributor per my data and feedback from SJ. On-line minutes threshold for Valued Contributor is around 8000 per Elim feedback]. Legendary threshold added 1/2018 based on Robert EG rank change.
Added column for sign-ins. Sign-in data reported for new member, established member and new contributor ranks
Table last updated 1-2018
Ranking | Posts | Minutes on-line | Sign-ins |
New Member | 1 | 5 | 1 |
Member | 5 | 60 | 10 |
Established Member | 10 | 180 | 20 |
Valued Member | 25 | 480 | 50? |
New Contributor | 50 | 600 | 75? |
Contributor | 75 | 720 | 100 |
Regular contributor | 100 | 840 | 150? |
Frequent Contributor | 250 | 930 | 250? |
Established Contributor | 500 | 4,000 | 500? |
Valued Contributor | 1000 | 8,000 | 1000? |
Senior Contributor | 3000 | 30,000 ? | 2000? |
Super Contributor | 5000 | 75,000 ? | 3000? |
*Mega Contributor | 10,000 | 150,000? | 5000? |
* (real world minimum for Mega) | 15,000 | ||
Epic Contributor | 20,000 | 250,000? | 7500? |
Legendary Contributor | 30,000 | 350,000? | 10,000? |
@Thomas_Thumb wrote:
@Anonymous wrote:
I don't think kudos received has much to do with it as some of the super contributors have under 1500 received and a low percentage of posts to kudos. To me anything over 20% is good because that means much of what you say is of some value.Best I can telll the rankings are almost exclusively based on # posts. You need a certain minimum posts to get to the next level. Logins and kodos don't appear to be factors. Best I can tell is the change in rank is done manually but is likely triggered by an automatic notification. If the notification is not acted upon and forgotten, the user may not receive a higher ranking. A likely breakdown of minimum posts for each rank is shown below. [note: visitor rankings would follow the same QTY for posts as member rankings]
Ranking Posts New Member 1 Member 5 Established Member 10 Valued Member 25 New Contributor 50 Contributor 75 Regular contributor 100 Frequent Contributor 250 Established Contributor 500 Valued Contributor 1000 Senior Contributor 3000 Super Contributor 5000 Mega Contributor 10,000 Epic Contributor 20,000
It is actually not just by post count. I was very curious myself when I joined because I have no experience with a lithium forum. The formula can be tweaked be the admin/sysop, but here is an example of what it could be for a specific rank. If you really are trying to rank up, then I suggest you make sure you do more than just When I was trying to rank up for image upload privileges, I was trying to have 2 logins per 1 post. Give 2 kudos per every 1 kudos received, etc. Basically, if you really contribute all around to the community, you will rank up
(logins >10) && (registrationAge >= 129600) && (((net_threads) + (net_replies*2) + (net_blog_articles*10) + (net_blog_comments) + (net_idea_threads*5) + (net_idea_comments)) >=100) && (((net_kudos_events_given) + (net_kudos_events_received*2) + (net_accepted_solutions*10) + (tagging_tag_count)) >=20)
@Anonymous wrote:It is actually not just by post count. The formula can be tweaked be the admin/sysop, but here is an example of what it could be for a specific rank.
(logins >10) && (registrationAge >= 129600) && (((net_threads) + (net_replies*2) + (net_blog_articles*10) + (net_blog_comments) + (net_idea_threads*5) + (net_idea_comments)) >=100) && (((net_kudos_events_given) + (net_kudos_events_received*2) + (net_accepted_solutions*10) + (tagging_tag_count)) >=20)
The posts listed are minimum thresholds. Take a look at users for each ranking category and let me know if you see any posters that achieve the designated ranking with fewer than the listed posts.
Certainly you can be "passed over" and not receive a higher ranking. That's not unlikely if some other criteria was not satisfied.
Of course some of this is conjucture - but the rankings are very highly correlated with # posts. Ratio of posts to kudos whether 3:1 or 10:1 seems to have little impact in moving up the ranks. Also, posters who give very few kudos .don't appear to be held back in rankings. Lack of initiating new threads also appears to have little impact on ability to move up. On the other hand, minutes on-line is important - but that typically correlates with having more posts.
I have never heard of someone setting up a forum which required the Admin/moderator to approve ranks. I highly doubt that is happening here. Post count most likely plays a large role in the ranking system, but I wouldn't discount the other factors. As you can see in the example code I posted, if you don't meet the differenct sets of criteria, you will not rank up.
You have 200,000 posts, but you have only 100 logins. In this forum, you will most likely still be stuck at a low rank, until you meet the minimum threshold for the logins category in the ranking formula. Many different variables could be holding you back from ranking up, even with a crazy post count. That is the brilliance of the Lithium ranking system You are rewarded for being being an all around (Active) user, and not just a post spammer.