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Any idea whats the criteria to qualify as rank of Member?
@FICOlearner123 wrote:Any idea whats the criteria to qualify as rank of Member?
It's participation on the forums. As you contribute to it with your future posts, your "rank" will go up.
Welcome to the forums, btw.
This is how i do it on my PC for those of you that were wondering.
1. Finding your image on google images. (I have found putting in credit card at the end really does tend to help alot) save as with prefered card name.
2. I setup a folder on mine just for card images so that it's easier to find and upload them together.
3. Goto (setup acct if need be) and upload all the images in your folder there. When you click on the image it will bring up a box with that image and to the right of it a direct code link. you will be able to copy (or click the copy button) so that you can paste it into the html code in the next link.
4. If you are a Garden Club/MyFico challenge member, you will put in the code from (page one of the garden thread) first followed by each card in it's own code. Make sure not to leave any spaces between the html codes or you will end up with a really long siggy. Here is the HTML code you will use:
<img height="45" width="65" src=" .jpg" border="0" title="CapOne Platinum | $500">
The red part is where you will paste the direct code link from imgur between the "
The blue part is where you will enter in the card type and limit ( this part is optional, and it will show up when someone hovers over the card on a pc or clicks on it when using mobile)
5. If you want to have your Stats in buttons this is the code for that. Since you will want to sperate these from the cards use <br> with out leaving any spaces as that is a line break symbol and will do it for you.
<img src="">
The red part is the first box you can enter the stat name you want here. ( CB, inq, gardening date etc.)
The blue part is the Amount or second part of the stat you want shown.
The green part is the Color code you want it to show in. (you can google html code codes, and there are sites that have a color map to help)
Hope this helps, and its fairly simple once you get used to it.
Hi everyone, I've been trying to figure out where I can add <html> code to my signature. I've seen a couple thopics but they seem pretty outdated. I'd like to add cc pictures (I understand I have to find photos of the internet and save them to like photobucket first to obtain the html code, but for the life of me, I cannot find where to add this in here?
Any help would be appreciated.
@Anonymous Look at the stickies in
I did, but having issues with this...
8. log in to to "my profile"....then to "my settings"
There is no "my profile" then "settings".