No credit card required
Browse credit cards from a variety of issuers to see if there's a better card for you. actually look into joining the Navy just to get in with NFCU.
Seriously, I need to step away for a while.
WOW...... i think that's something else other than hanging around here..... for some though it might be true
You also can get in by joining the Army, Coast Guard, or Marines. or marrying one of their members.
I just had to respond because I couldn't stop laughing at your post. It tickled my funny bone.
Oh yeah, and welcome to MyFICO.
Thanks. I've been on here two and a half years but I guess I'm still a "New Contributor." haha
@ohnomyfigo wrote:Thanks. I've been on here two and a half years but I guess I'm still a "New Contributor." haha
The rankings really don't make much sense....
Legendary Contributor
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New Visitor
Ya those are pretty arbitrary.
@ohnomyfigo wrote:Thanks. I've been on here two and a half years but I guess I'm still a "New Contributor." haha
My mistake. I just saw "new" and went with it. Thanks for the reminder.
I vote for marriage or roommates personally.
@Anonymous wrote:I vote for marriage or roommates personally.
Sounds like a plan.
@ohnomyfigo actually look into joining the Navy just to get in with NFCU.
Seriously, I need to step away for a while.
I would be totally open to a green card....uh, I mean Cash Reward card marriage. 😉