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@hoosier64 wrote:Adkins,
I held off disputing for the same reason. After re-reading the Fair Credit Reporting Act, I'm going to dispute directly with information furnisher (EdFinancial). Will update once I get a response in a month.
I received a CK notification of a closed account. My EdFinancial account is showing as updated paid, with a close date mid August.
Did you submit a dispute, Adkins? Or did Edfinancial update it on their own?
My TU Report was updated by Edfinancial a few days after they received my written dispute. I'm hoping the other two will update this week.
@hoosier64 wrote:Did you submit a dispute, Adkins? Or did Edfinancial update it on their own?
My TU Report was updated by Edfinancial a few days after they received my written dispute. I'm hoping the other two will update this week.
I did not submit a dispute to any of the CRAs.
All CRA's have now updated. Didn't get as much of a score increase as I was hoping for. The simulator said I would get +5 / +10 / +10 for paying down all but a small balance, but I only got +0 / +2 / +4 to my FICO 8. I did get a $2,500 CLI from Discover which was previously rejected with a note that my loan balances were high.
@hoosier64 wrote:All CRA's have now updated. Didn't get as much of a score increase as I was hoping for. The simulator said I would get +5 / +10 / +10 for paying down all but a small balance, but I only got +0 / +2 / +4 to my FICO 8. I did get a $2,500 CLI from Discover which was previously rejected with a note that my loan balances were high.
What were your balances? I'm in a somewhat related situation, where my loans were sold and are now double reporting. I'm wondering if I'll get any boost.
Before making the large payment, I had four loans for around $76k total. Three of them had more than 90% utilization. I paid off three in full and the fourth one with the lowest interest rate down to 7% utilization.
I applied for PSLF towards the end of last year. That got my notes transferred to Mohela. I noticed that there has been no update on the Nelnet tradelines since Nov 23. I just disputed ALL of the accounts (they all showed balances). I'll keep y'all updated on what happens.
To those interested, on May 26, ALL of the nelnet accounts updated to $0 balance/closed on EQ but still show balance/open on TU. On EX, all but one has updated to $0 balance/closed/never late.
@CaneVariant wrote:
Same issues here. Loans with Ed Financial still reporting as open with balances. The bureaus have them all confused but they are all ~ 25 years old and reporting pays as agreed. I just got my 11bk discharged and the only positives on my reports are these and a few cards I closed because Cap1 doesn't let you product change. Thoughts on following others on this threads lead of reaching out to Ed to update? Cheers!
If they are reporting positively, I would leave them alone, especially if they are your only positives. They will update, eventually.