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I know you are all hard at work with your credit goals. Have you progressed as far as you hoped? Were there any unforeseen expenses that cropped up and may have thrown you off schedule?
As a reminder, participation in these monthly check-ins is optional but encouraged. The goal is to help keep you on track, so feel free to post your progress updates here. This is a no-judge zone; feel free to say what's keeping you up at night or give yourself a Kudo for having it all together.
Did you hit any potholes or speedbumps? Achieve some milestones, either small or mighty? Change your goals or add new ones?
Let us know how you're doing!
The infamous Fico 08 Score rebounded from 784 to 805. What changed? Paid off a $2000 computer expense on a credit card and that reported leaving only $232 bank card and auto loan of $8,841 which is only for 31 more months. Considering the auto loan was only $10K and I had only two hard inquiries for all of 2024 the Fico hit was overkill!!
But, all is well now. There will be no new hard inquiries. Love to see the rating of Excellent.
Credit reporting is such a game ...!