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I never ever ever coment at forums- simply too busy. However, this is exactly right!! This person is spot on- you will get denied a credit card EVEN if you have a 760 FICO, but have maybe 3-4 inquiries in 3 months or so. It happened to me in 2008. CC companies are jerks about this!
@matthew94515 wrote:I never ever ever coment at forums- simply too busy. However, this is exactly right!! This person is spot on- you will get denied a credit card EVEN if you have a 760 FICO, but have maybe 3-4 inquiries in 3 months or so. It happened to me in 2008. CC companies are jerks about this!
Welcome to writing in the forums!!! hehehe
I have 17 inq and Im still getting approved, $700 for amazon yesterday
I have 43 inquiries on Equifax and my Fico is 635 and 13 opened accounts in 1 year with 3-1/2 year old bankruptcy and I just got a $4,000 Sears Platinum MasterCard hows that work? My other Fico score is 676 at Transunion and I have 31 inq over there and Experian I don't know my Fico score. But Citi/Sears Card pulled Experian then TU 1 week after I got the card no idea why. I called them and asked if they made a mistake. They didn't they said its suited to my particular credit situation... Thank you Sears compared to $750 credit limits from Capital One. I'm done applying for credit of any kind and I'm paying all accounts off in full I have 11 open cards, 5 Major cards counting Sears MC and Capital Ones. I did lose a $500 Barclays Card over too many credit inq. They approved me with way too many to begin with then even with 5 payments in full in one month they closed it. Then I got Sears. Their loss. But way too many inquiries is trouble these companies seem to be looking at not just your credit score anymore but their own criteria they use. Chase told me they don't use credit scores.. I said what do you use they said their own reasoning. If that is true I don't know you call these places and get a different story from each different person.
What about the same credit company pulling your report 2-3 times over several days from the same bureau? What is the impact on your score then?
@Anonymous wrote:What about the same credit company pulling your report 2-3 times over several days from the same bureau? What is the impact on your score then?
If those inquiries from the same company are not coded as mortgage, auto loan, or student loan inquiries, then each will be scored as an individual inquiry and not lumped together. Impact to your score can vary. Most of my inquiries resulted in no FICO change when comparing a new FICO report the day before the pull and the day after. Of those that did, usually just one would ding a few points and the rest less than that. It's a YMMV-thing per person. Everyone's credit profile is different.
It's not that common for the same lender to pull that many times over a short period. If these were non-duplicatable inquiries (car, mortgage, SL), then you can always try asking them to see if they wouldn't mind removing one or two. They don't have to, but couldn't hurt to ask I suppose. I started a banking relationship with BofA to get a secured CC and that resulted in 6 individual inquiries over the course of 3 weeks. One was for the checking acct, one for savings, 2 were for two indiviual CC apps and when denied, they offered two 99/500 partially secured CCs and I applied for both. 6 inquiries in all and they wouldn't give the time of day to remove them (all were legit inquiries).
What I find interesting is that I've been shopping for a home for maybe 4 months (since late March), and my mortgage lender (and underwriters) have me dealing with all these requirements.. I found a home, and was going through the closing process, but it didn't appraise, so long story short - I walked away.. During this time, they have ran my credit maybe 4 times (since late March), and it's showing up each time, a new Inq. It hasn't negatively affected my credit, in fact, I am getting slight bumps every time they run it.. I can't figure out for the LIFE of me why.
When I get the FICO Score Alert, and check, it shows slight 4-5 point bumps UPWARD. The reason shows as:
'Your FICO score may have gone up because the following factor is not hurting your FICO score as much as before:
Is this accurate? Should I get a BUMP UP on my score just because the mortgage lender checks my credit? This score alert I got today shot me up a full 7 points..
Not that I'm mad about that! LOL
That's a new one on me!!!!!!
If that was the case, I'd go to every car lot in town and have them shotgun out my apps. LOL....
But seriously, just let those scores go up, grow your garden well.
Ok, someone threw this point out there, but the answer never got solidified........Does the ding from the inquiry have the same weight at the 11 month mark as it does at the 1 month mark?