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This directly addresses a question I have had. I'm a 23-year-old student in grad school (3 more years til I graduate) with 1 CC (Visa) with a limit of $11,250. I have two current loans totaling $14,500 and two loans from undergrad that are paid off. I just checked my FICO score and it is 751 (down from 772 last July, prior to the two current loans). I also own my car outright. I'm wondering if I should get a second CC, and if so what company I should go with. Obviously my CL is more than fine now but I would like to take some proactive steps to continue my good credit scores. Any suggestions? Edited to add: I will definitely be taking out two or three more loans next fall, and probably the same in fall 2009. Don't know if that matters...
Message Edited by pez478 on 05-06-2008 07:43 PM
ChrisGA43 wrote:
Just trying to understand all of thiis, but from what experience I have recently, inquiries are weighted differently by creditors than how they are used to determine your FICO scores.
By that I mean that yes, inquiries affect your score, but lenders look at the dates and actual number of inquiries over a predetermined period of time for approval purposes- from what I understand. So if your score was 700 with -no- inquiries on your CR's, and it fell to say 690 with 4 hard pulls showing, the new score of 690 wouldnt be as much of an disapproval factor moreso than the 4 actual inquiries would when the creditor does its "overall" assesement on whether to approve or disapprove an application.
So from my understanding, your FICO score dropping from inquiries doesnt affect approval or disapproval as much as how the credit issuers themselves internally weigh inquiries. Else they wouldnt have a need to actually list on a disapproval letter that a person was declined for "too many recent inquiries"...right?
Yeah--and I just checked my EQ file, which shows an insane **19** inquiries in the past two years, up from two before I went car-shopping last week. What is this line about "all inquiries will be treated as a single," then?... Not like I'll be hunting for any more credit cards in the next two years, but this is an AWFUL lot. And this doesn't include the Macy's card I added to lower my UTIL (gulp).
@poet wrote:Yeah--and I just checked my EQ file, which shows an insane **19** inquiries in the past two years, up from two before I went car-shopping last week. What is this line about "all inquiries will be treated as a single," then?... Not like I'll be hunting for any more credit cards in the next two years, but this is an AWFUL lot. And this doesn't include the Macy's card I added to lower my UTIL (gulp).
All the inqs display, but for scoring purposes, those within a certain time frame are scored as if they were just one.
Sort of similar to the fact that inqs display for two years, but are only scored for one.
eta: cna't splel
How many is too much? If you can, I'd wait another year. Interest rate depends also on other things on your credit profile like any derogatives, late payment, AAoA, etc.