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Does anyone know about the score cards that help determine your credit score? I was told the longer you have a delinquency on your report, your score card will change and prevents you from gaining max points for other actions such as in time payments and low UTI. Is this true?
@tayloreat713 wrote:Does anyone know about the score cards that help determine your credit score? I was told the longer you have a delinquency on your report, your score card will change and prevents you from gaining max points for other actions such as in time payments and low UTI. Is this true?
I am not aware of an aging deliquency being a score card factor or even a theorized factor. The presence of a deliquency is. The type of deliquency is believed to be. But not the age of the deliquency.
A reasonable explanation for the average person can be found here:
It basically comes down to clean vs dirty. Once you leave dirty and go clean. Then your rebucketed at the bottom of the bucket. Some get a small score bump. Some I believe on here lost a few points. Your like a air bubble in a bucket of water, start at the bottom, and move to the top of the bucket slowly with the gang you were placed with.