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First off did they pull from the same bureau? There are 3 of them and the information and scores on each can vary quite a bit. Second, some creditors formulate their own credit scores, Cap1 is one for sure. They have different score ranges and different criteria. It doesn't mean your scores are that much different, just theyy're usind different algorithms to formulate a score.
@Anonymous wrote:
Yeah there from the same credit bureaus. Equifax
You may want to double check. Amex almost always pull EX vs. EQ. Chase pulled EQ for me in the past, but Capital One always pulls all 3 reports and may be showing all 3 scores vs. one, or showing the score any of the 3.
Assuming for a second that all 3 are from EQ and all 3 were pulled the same day and all 3 were FICO scores. Now some lenders use an internal score vs. a FICO, but let's say it is a FICO. Some lenders pull a Classic score like you have on here or used by most all mortgage lenders, and yet others use a cc-enhanced FICO which weighs your CC-experience. That can explain a score difference and wouldn't mean your score changed.