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I think another part to consider why they only claim 90% is quite a few lenders have their own internal scoring system that could help/hurt a lending decision.
@Anonymous wrote:I think another part to consider why they only claim 90% is quite a few lenders have their own internal scoring system that could help/hurt a lending decision.
I agree with internal scoring systems being used, but many of these lenders use FICO scores in addition to their internal scoring systems. That being said, the statement that "...90% of lenders use FICO scores in their lending decisions..." could very well mean that such a lender is using an internal scoring system as well. While it's impossible to try and quantify, I would definitely bet money that there are more lenders that use both FICO scores and an internal scoring system than that use an internal scoring system exclusively.
@Anonymous wrote:
@Anonymous wrote:I think another part to consider why they only claim 90% is quite a few lenders have their own internal scoring system that could help/hurt a lending decision.
I agree with internal scoring systems being used, but many of these lenders use FICO scores in addition to their internal scoring systems. That being said, the statement that "...90% of lenders use FICO scores in their lending decisions..." could very well mean that such a lender is using an internal scoring system as well. While it's impossible to try and quantify, I would definitely bet money that there are more lenders that use both FICO scores and an internal scoring system than that use an internal scoring system exclusively.
Absolutely. We're on the same page here. I was trying to post another reason why they only claim 90%. As you mentioned earlier that you thought 90% was on the conservative side, I also believe it is higher than that as well.
@Anonymous wrote:
@Brian_Earl_Spilner wrote:They do use them. As a former employee at Chase, I can tell you we pulled them. 2 ficos, 1 vantage. Wish everyone would stop with saying nobody uses them. Even the decline letters will occasionally show the VS pulled.
I'd be curious to hear your reply to CGID's questions posed above.
Even if that is the case, you're still talking an extremely small percentage of instances where a lender uses them. I read a ton on this forum and have rarely (if ever) have heard of Chase using Vantage scores for anything other than their Credit Journey feature. I have not heard of Vantage scores being mentioned in decline letters, but even if that is true there are probably 100x+ examples of FICO scores being used relative to the occasional VS reference. Anyway, the spare the dead horse from being further beaten, I'll patiently wait for your reply to CGID's post, as I'm sure I'll find it interesting.
Chase on the initial denial letter for my Freedom back in Jan 2013 was a Vantage score. There were a few other posts back in that time of similar reports, and that was confirmed by another Chase employee too.
Vantage cost less, plain and simple, and as such Chase would use that for some percentage of the time... though I believe now they mostly use internal scores in place of Vantage but I don't have any direct knowledge there... at the time they were UW on FICO, VS, and internal, and unless I miss my guess I think VS lost there.
Don't know how many lenders are using it today but I can state with absolute certainty that it has been used at least once, and then infinite universe and all, it's probably been used a lot more than that.
Ultimately build a pretty file and you will get a pretty score regardless of algorithm chosen... or in my case, putting enough lipstick on my pig to satisfy the FICO Masters of the Credit Universe is enough for all other algorithms I've encountered so far too.
@Revelate wrote:Don't know how many lenders are using it today but I can state with absolute certainty that it has been used at least once, and then infinite universe and all, it's probably been used a lot more than that.
No doubt that's true. But again, as I stated previously, you're probably looking at something to the tune of a 100:1 ratio of FICO scores being used relative to VS scores. In terms of ratio/percentage, it makes VS quite irrelevant under most circumstances. Now, if someone knows for certain that VS is indeed used or going to be used for a lending decision, of course it would make sense to know your VS and be concerned with it.