Okay, first of all the FICO score does not take into consideration your occupation or income, that information could not have come from a credit check. Credit card companies raise rates for various reasons, the most common reason for raising the rate may be for missing a payment but they can also rate jack you for high utilization. There is something called universal default that congress is currently looking into where they can raise you based on your relationship with other lenders.
Secondly, unless your wife's credit and your credit are the same accounts, there is nothing that she can do to lower YOUR FICO score, even filing bankruptcy. Your wife's credit history does not become yours from marriage, if your credit score fell it is because of credit accounts that you agreed to be responsible for.
You really should have asked for advice BEFORE telling your wife not to pay her bills, you cannot hamstring a credit card company into agreeing to your terms. You need them more than they need you. CC companies always plan for a certain amount of loss and will twist your arm out of the sockets to get their money before selling the debt to collection agency after agency. If possible, your wife needs to call and you need yo make an effort to bring the accounts current you have probably just multiplied that debt with late fees and ?over limit? charges. She can ask that they be reaged they may offer her a repayment plan because their first business is getting their money. However they may close the accounts till paid off. The one thing you don't want to do if you can help it is allow the debt to be sold to a CA.
Message Edited by Brammy on
03-15-2007 07:43 AM