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Its hindsite now. If you could have waited. Some not all get a score increase because you have no more debt. It could have been a higher SL but we wont know since you pulled the trigger. For others. Wait at least 60 days after DC to apply. Like I said your score may rise and get better SL's and lower APR's. But as we say YMMV. Congrats!
@Anonymous wrote:
I applied for a Capital One credit card just to see what would happen, and I was approved for a $300 limit even though I have not yet received my discharge and I feel like this could cause some issues.
Has this happened to anyone else?
I know I probably shouldn’t have applied, that was a pretty stupid thing to do.
I’ve already had my 341 meeting, paid all my filing fees, and the teustee’s Report of No Distribution has already been entered in PACER.
I did this exact same thing. Got my foot in the door after 341 but before discharge, approved for the $300 like you with credit steps, then after 6 months (if i remember correctly) of paying it down to $5 every statement i got the increase to $500. Once you discharge is in the past you can reapply for a card that is not in the 'low bucket' of never growing. The good part of this is that you will have a relationship with Cap1 so you can get a second card with them in 6 months (which is what i did).
Cap1 never asked me anything and the BK court never said anything so you hsould have no issues.