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Deleted bankruptcy

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Re: Deleted bankruptcy

I agree! I wish that I hadn't had it dismissed. My score didn't jump up that much and now I'm having trouble even getting a credit card with a small amount. Alot of people on here said they got a Capital One, but I had a Capital One when I filed bankrupt so I don't believe that they will give me another one. Any suggestions as to where to apply for something to start over. I need to trade my car in and get another one but I don't think that I can even do that. Does anyone know a good place to get a car loan. My EQ is 540 and EX is 562, I haven't gotten TU yet. I had a dealership check my score on the auto enhanced and he said that it was a 479. I do not know what it needs to be to get a car loan. Does anyone know?
Message 81 of 105
Not applicable

Re: Deleted bankruptcy

I was able to get new credit cards but I had to take ones with annual fees and finally have one that does not have an annual fee.  If I had to do it over again I think I would go the credit union and get a secured card from them as long as they report to all 3 credit bureaus.  Putting your own money into the card and I know a lot of people who did it this way and after time they were given the unsecured card through the credit union after they had proven themself.  That might work better for you then trying to get a secured credit card and being turned down.  You also need to look at your credit report and make sure the things you went bankrupt for are not there as they should of all been included in the bankruptcy.  As for the car I really don't know.  I bought a car 2 years ago and still had to pay a high interest rate.  I could probably refinance now but have decided to just get working on paying it off and I think that works better for me.  If you go onto the forum there are plenty of people who have been in the same position and can guide you as to what you can expect as a car loan or if you can get one.  With this tough economy everything has changed.  One thing we know is they want to sell cars and sometimes easier to get a new car then an old car.  That is what I have found out.  I chose to get a 2 year old used car and did not have a problem getting it but my interest was 16.9%.  So good luck.
Message 82 of 105
Not applicable

Re: Deleted bankruptcy

I forgot to ask you did you try Household Bank or Orchard Bank which is also part of Household.  After I went bankrupt the year after I got my credit card from Household Bank and I think it was for a CL of 300.00 but then they increased it.  I think a lot of us are having trouble with capital one.  I have had it since 2005 which was 4 years ago and I still only have a 500.00 credit limit and they tell me I am not eligible for any more.  Oh well.  Maybe they are telling me something for my own good.  So as of now I have decided to not use my credit cards and bring them all down to 10% utility before I will use them again.  I want to control my debt not let them control what I have to pay.  Good luck.
Message 83 of 105
Not applicable

Re: Deleted bankruptcy

No, I didn't try HSBC or Orchard. I went to a regular bank and they turned me down. They said I had to rebuild my credit and then come back. According to my credit report at EQ all my previous accts. has a zero balance. The report from EX still has all of the bankruptsy items listed and not shown as included in the bankruptsy. I have disputed them but haven't heard anything yet.
Message 84 of 105
Not applicable

Re: Deleted bankruptcy

After you dispute them they should remove them because they are included in the bankruptcy.  That is what I had to do and the only thing I have on my report now is the Bankruptcy and that was in 2001.  I am in the process of contacting the CRA to get them to remove my Bankruptcy as it was in 2001 and it is now 8 years.  Hopefully they will remove it.  Once they took all the included in bankruptcy off my credit report it was much better and easier for me to get a credit report.  Good luck.

Message 85 of 105
Not applicable

Re: Deleted bankruptcy

I got the Cap 1 Orbitz card with a chp 7, my intial limit was $500, then after 3 months it went to $1000. APR is a little high but its the price i will pay for good reporting.
Message 86 of 105
Not applicable

Re: Deleted bankruptcy

I wish I hadn't had the bankruptsy dismissed. I applied for a Cap 1 & First Premier and both turned me down. I also applied to American General Finance for $300.00 and they turned me down. I believe having it dismissed was worse than letting it discharge.
Message 87 of 105
Not applicable

Re: Deleted bankruptcy



try Orchard - they have far better terms than Premier One, and are BK friendly, which Cap One is not.

Message 88 of 105
Regular Contributor

Re: Deleted bankruptcy

I think the original question was meant for when the bk becomes 7 or 10 years old and is no long showing on the credit report.

I would think the score would go up too..  How do they group or "compare" you to other people? shouldn't it be based on your own merit?

I do have one question on this subject though ..when you mentioned the closing date is that the discharge date or the filing date..because once you file the creditor should no longer be reporting good or bad on your payments being made on time or late...I will reach 2 year filing mark 5/2 (next week!) but my discharge is august 21 does that mean my score will still reflect the public record  until August??? 

I have gotten mixed answers on this..some say may is the 2 year mark and some say August...thanks for any help.

I like your motto credit addict!!!  it is so me!!

Message 89 of 105
Not applicable

Re: Deleted bankruptcy

I applied to HOUSEHOLD BANK in 11.2002.  My BK was filed 5/2001 but it was dismissed in 12/2001 and one year later I was approved for the Household Bank Card starting with a limit of 300.00.  The Orchard Card I applied for in November 2007 and was approved.  Both of these cards have annual fees though and once your credit gets better you are stuck with them.  I was told by Household the only way is for me to apply for another card with them but either way that is my longest credit card history so I think I might be stuck with them.  I also have a Cap. one which I am seriously thinking of getting rid of both Cap one and the Orchard Card because Cap. one is in 2005 and the Orchard is 2007 and that is the only way I am getting rid of the fees.  I now have a Wamu card with a good credit limit and no fee but now that it is with chase who knows what the future holds.  If I had to do it over again I would of opened a savings account with the credit union and then they would of given me a secured master card and then after a year or so they usually with switch you and you don't have to worry about paying fees.   Good luck in whatever way you chose. 
Message 90 of 105
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