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Been seeing a lot of approvals from Jovia lately. Seems 25k is their go to for clean profiles.
We've also seen lower approvals with bks showing, collections, ect
anyone been denied and have some DPs to share on what they don't like?
I know they are not fond of people who have high available limits .
This is a good question. I see a lot of approvals for high cls.
They kicked me to the curb.
don't remember why.
my personal CC limits are close to 900k so probably it
I was preapproved for up to $40k on their card but denied when I applied due to an old unpaid collection account that will soon fall off. My score was over 700 at the time of the application.
I was denied for having 2 late payments on my report. Both were from 2018. One was my student loan and one was a closed account that accrued interest after I had paid it off and closed the account. Ended up paying them like $4 but wouldn't budge on removing the late payment reported.
@Jnbmom I have quite a bit of high, available, and unused limits. They gave me $25K.
They will deny business credit if you don't live in NJ or NY....
@woodyman100 I haven $700k and 7% used and they approved. They are a weird beast.
@fullstackdev I was pre-approved at $40k. They gave me $25K and would not recon.