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"matched" to this card by where my FICO 8 was reported as 813.
Credit Utilization: 4%
Annual Income: $390,000. Rent: $1800/month.
DECLINED for the card & now with hard pulls on my credit report.
Called capital one directly. They couldn't give me a reason. Spoke with a supervisor who gave me a polite but firm: "I can't help you.".
Already have two cards with them and am tempted to cut them up & return them.
But I'd be cutting off my nose to spite my face.
Sorry about the rejection. Unfortunately calling likely won't work, don't think that the reps can overturn those algorithm based decisions.
@Anonymous wrote:"matched" to this card by where my FICO 8 was reported as 813.
Credit Utilization: 4%
Annual Income: $390,000. Rent: $1800/month.
DECLINED for the card & now with hard pulls on my credit report.
Called capital one directly. They couldn't give me a reason. Spoke with a supervisor who gave me a polite but firm: "I can't help you.".
Already have two cards with them and am tempted to cut them up & return them.
But I'd be cutting off my nose to spite my face.
Yep, don't do that. In hindsight, they may have done you a favor so you don't have a lot of your eggs in one basket.
@Anonymous wrote:"matched" to this card by where my FICO 8 was reported as 813.
Credit Utilization: 4%
Annual Income: $390,000. Rent: $1800/month.
DECLINED for the card & now with hard pulls on my credit report.
Called capital one directly. They couldn't give me a reason. Spoke with a supervisor who gave me a polite but firm: "I can't help you.".
Already have two cards with them and am tempted to cut them up & return them.
But I'd be cutting off my nose to spite my face.
Were you prequalified for it though? I'm prequalified for it again after it disappeared when I got approved for the Prestige. I'm reading so much from people being prequalified and getting denied that I may really have to garden for two years for it.
I was 6/24 when I got my Savor one. Although 6/24, it had been about 10 or 11 months since I had applied or opened any account. I was pre-approved before I applied though and was approved.
Once they made the Sav1 and upped the Savor with the SUB and AF. They've made this a tough card to get. I was lucky enough to get it when it first hit the website the day it went live. Sorry about the denial. It is a head scratcher why people with excellent scores and histories get turned down. But others with somewhat decent credit get approved.Things that make you go .Hmmmmmmmmmm
@Anonymous wrote:my FICO 8 was reported as 813.
Credit Utilization: 4%
Annual Income: $390,000. Rent: $1800/month.
So Sorry that happened. What are your other two cards with Cap1 and cl's?
@Anonymous wrote:
Cap1 has been stingy in general though lately. My income rose 15k annual, my score went up 80 points (730), i have NO rent or mortgage (own my home free and clear), no negatives at all, and they gave the request cli soft option in app, but declined it. No CLI since month 5, and acct is at 3 years/still 1300 limit. Meanwhile, most of my cards have $6500-10k limits. Overall utilization under 20%, many 0 blance, And my car note ? Near 20% of a 3 yr paid off in 3 months. No rhyme or reason at Capitol One these days, so I'm no longer using it except 1 recurring charge which i pay immediately. Not bothering with them any more.
And this is the reason why Cap 1 is stingy unless this is a bucketed card. Cap1 wants you to use their card.