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Do the online prequals soft pull your credit? The reason I ask is my credit is a bit low from utilization which should go back up next thursday because I made some big payments and I'm wondering if I should wait until then to check if I prequal online.
I understand that this is not a credit card application and that the process of checking to see if I have an offer will not affect my credit score.
@CreditSage wrote:Do the online prequals soft pull your credit? The reason I ask is my credit is a bit low from utilization which should go back up next thursday because I made some big payments and I'm wondering if I should wait until then to check if I prequal online.
Prequals are based on SPs and you should wait till payments post. If you're looking to apply, you'd want to look really pretty when you do especially if there are any negatives present on your report.
@CreditSage wrote:The reason I ask is my credit is a bit low from utilization which should go back up next thursday because I made some big payments and I'm wondering if I should wait until then to check if I prequal online.
Are you using any method to monitor your credit? You have to make sure that your CRA's pull your most up to date profile. Just because you have paid off large balances, that does not mean your CRA's are updated with that information at the same time. It could take 2 - 3 weeks before a CRA pulls your profile reflecting updated balances. Keep that in mind when you apply.
Yes I am very aware. This question was specific to the online prequals - knowing how they are qualifying you and therefore if, like a traditional app, you should wait until your most recent payments/credit profile updates are reflected to the beureaus.
SP is done in real time, and will reflect info present on your CR at the time it's done.
Info in SP is identical to info in HP, just coded differently.
What I needed to know. Thanks!
Welcome and good luck