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I have been seen lots of good things about Penfed CU in this forum. Therefore, I joined Penfed CU paying $15.00 memebership last night. I got approved. Then I applied for PLOC, flat denial but my CC application for Promie card is under review. What does it mean? Is it also denial? My fico EQ is 686, 30% utilization and 8 inquiries. I logged into my account this morning and it is still under review. Should I call them or just wait for the result? Please chime in your thoughts my ficoers.
Means UW are looking at it.. Should know something later today or friday.. Best of luck you should be good on it.
Good luck! It is not uncommon for them to take a while to review your application.
Good luck! They are pretty fast also in looking at it and making a decesion.
Should I wait or call them? What do you folks think?
@ddemari wrote:Good luck! They are pretty fast also in looking at it and making a decesion.
Wait calling won't speed up UW on reviewing your application with penfed.. You will hear today or friday at the latest.. Guessing today sometime.
I'll follow your advice and wait for the result.
@CreditCuriousity wrote:Wait calling won't speed up UW on reviewing your application with penfed.. You will hear today or friday at the latest.. Guessing today sometime.
I got turned down. Reason was "PRESENT OBLIGATIONSSUFF OBLIGATED W/UNSEC INDEBTEDNESS" I'll wait for 6 more months, being my utilization down and app again.
@Country_Feller wrote:
Fingers crossed for ya!!
@sunilcobain01 wrote:I got turned down. Reason was "PRESENT OBLIGATIONSSUFF OBLIGATED W/UNSEC INDEBTEDNESS" I'll wait for 6 more months, being my utilization down and app again.
@Country_Feller wrote:
Fingers crossed for ya!!
Sorry to hear... Guessing your utilization is high or DTI?