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Companies are tightening things up after the irregularities of the pandemic. Compliance with 2009 card act. The Fed has been upping interest rates these past couple years now and credit card debt is at unprecedented levels. Massive baby boomer retirements all in concert cause these companies to act, sometimes in the extreme. I've been charging 1 or 2% this past couple years. This past month I charged up around 5% that apparently threw a red flag. Wells F gets nervous and requests an income update as we round out 2023 is all that happened but if I didn't update there would be no more credit; I can see where your checking account served as a buffer for the credit extended you. Make a $10,000 deposit and your spend limit should be at least half that.
Chase gave me a low limit on a slate card once citing that my 7 year old college checking account (which was not my primary second or even tertiary account then) balance was too low LOL
Even recently when Ihad to verify income for something, they acted like only my one account wasn't enough (with deposits of over 100K)...
it's a catch 22.... like you never wanna put your eggs in one basket but then the bank will think you only have one account. Surely the bank understands we as consumers have become smarter.. and some folks have 10/20+++ even 50 DDA.
Their loss! Personally I have one account I run all my bills through and that's what I use when proof is needed. I would never show them all my savings, investment accts, etc. But Chase wants you to do everything with them. I think that's how my friend got approved for the Amazon Visa with a 616 FICO... because they do ALL OF THEIR BANKING literally ALL with Chase. not me! Good luck!