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Score is 690
need to transfer 17.6K. for introductory 0% for X months
Got Reject by BOA
My Usage is high
usually Discover i believe
I'd second Discover they are pretty good about balance transfers
I was just now approved for 12K w/ discover, I'm able to transfer partial amount?
@CryptoWI wrote:I was just now approved for 12K w/ discover, I'm able to transfer partial amount?
Yes. You can transfer any amount you wish up to your credit limit. Although keep in mind that maxing out a new card is not going to help your scores if thats a concern of yours. I used Discover last month to Bal transfer a certain amount from another account. My SL was lower than I had hoped so I only transfered a portion of the balance.
You should be able to, the BT process is essentially that Discover will send payment for whatever amount you request/they authorize to whomever currently holds the deb. If for example you requested an $11.5 K BT Discover will pay $11.5K toward the card/account you specify, you'll have an $11.5K balance @ 0% on your Discover card, and the outstanding balance on the other card will drop by $11.5K.
If you were able to get approved for another card (I'm not assessing odds as to your abilty to do it) that also had a 0% APR BT offer and the SL were large enough you could BT the remaining amount from your current $17.6K card over to the 2nd new card.