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I initially was approved for a Kohl's charge card on 01/26/18 for $300. Tried to get a CLI a few months after, and was denied stating my account has not been opened for 6 months. Tried for another CLI on 07/25/18, and was denied again. Tried again the next day, 07/26/18, and was approved for a $400 increase.
Kohl's CLI are exactly to the date.
Congrats on CLI !!!
Congrats on CLI!
Congrats Nisa on the little bump!
Kohls is tough with CLIs. They are my lowest by far. I tried & tried & tried and was stuck at $300. Used the card and piad the bill in full all the time. Had no choice anyhow with that small limit.
FINALLY, last month, I tried again and they leaped me to a whopping $800. Took almost 3 years. Yahoo !!!