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I just got an automatic credit line increase 500 to 1000 on 8/15/20 is that all i get or will there be more increases and will my credit score increase? Thank you and be safe.
Congratulations on your CLI!!
Nice Work on the double! Merrick is great at giving you a little every so often.
You will probably see 200 - 400 increases about every 4-6 months with continued responsible use.
Keep your balances below 68%, try to pay it off as you use it, but they dont mind if you carry a balance (its @ 29.9%)
The highest you will ever see with Merrick is about 5K I think. I am at 4K and have been for over 1 year. I have had the card for 7 years.
Its one of the better rebuilding cards, especially if you got the "Double your Limit" with no AF card. Those are super juicy to have when you are starting out, or over, depending on your situation.
Best of Luck to Ya!
Congratulations on your Increase
@razzy116 wrote:I just got an automatic credit line increase 500 to 1000 on 8/15/20 is that all i get or will there be more increases and will my credit score increase? Thank you and be safe.
Congrats on yourCLI, @razzy116 !!!!!
I received the "double"(Feb-7 mos) from $700 to $1400 and then received another auto CLI of $200(few months later) and i was carrying a 55% balance at the time of increase. Hope that helps some.
@razzy116 wrote:I just got an automatic credit line increase 500 to 1000 on 8/15/20 is that all i get or will there be more increases and will my credit score increase? Thank you and be safe.
I'm assuming that's the double your limit thing they do, so it's all you get for now, but I would think they would give you more CLIs over time with responsible usage. As for your scores, it's impossible to say without more details.
Congrats on your CLI
Congrats on the increase! I love Merrick Bank.....they are the best rebuilder that I had! I have had my card about 3 1/2 years and I have gotten 4 CLI's since they first doubled my CL. I'm at $3000 right now.