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@Anonymous wrote:Congratulations, Sandi, this is very nice! Excited for you.
How old is your account? I ask because I have only heard of about 2 or 3 total instances of BoA ever doing auto CLI's (with the exception of the 99/500 people, which is a bit different of a situation), and they were all with accounts that were 3 years old or older, with 760+ FICOs.
Then again, your FICO is around 800 or so so it does not surprise me. Nice job, lady!
That's not my experience. Yes my card was the 99/500, it unsecured at one yera, BUT thereafter every 4 months I got a $300 CLI automatically. It quit about $2600 or so when I finally requested a CLI on my own, apparently that stopped all AUTO CLI's. My account was 1 year old when this started, my credit score then was around 680, so add that to your data points.
It happens
That does make for a nice surprise.
Total CL: $321.7k | UTL: 2% | AAoA: 7.0yrs | Baddies: 0 | Other: Lease, Loan, *No Mortgage, All Inq's from Jun '20 Car Shopping |
Sorry to hear. Could be so? I never asked for a cli from them as it would be an HP. My daughter started with the same card you did and has never asked for cli and is now up to 15k also. It took her longer but she did get there. I am starting to get the feeling that some banks would rather just give you an auto cli. The ones I don't ask for a cli are: Chase, FNBO, BOA, Barclay. I am going to stop asking on Citi, Cap One, & Discover to see what happens. Try letting them be & see what happens. I see your scores are fantastic & you have good limits. I can understand. I've been there also. I think it will happen. Don't give up!
Thanks everyone!!!
Do you have alot of spend monthly on the card? I have had a BOA since April. I use it for grocieries and gas PIF every month. Curious on data points for a CLI in Oct or so.
I have the BofA cash rewards card, where is the luv button? I've looked all over the site and can't seem to find it. Got the card back in February