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@Aim_High wrote:
@FieryDance wrote:The denial reasons for both were they couldn’t verify my identity. I guess it’s because I don’t have any existing credit or banking accounts with either Synchrony or Chase?
No, it probably was not because you didn't have bank accounts.
Chase takes their due diligence under the USA Patriot Act enacted in 2001 after the 9/11 terrorists attacks very seriously. (See: All banks are required to verify identity now more closely but some are more serious about it than others. Even though I had a long-time credit relationship with them, they have still been very picky with my recent applications. Some got held up in processing over it. One of the main issues was my address of record and/or sending in identity verifcation documents such as Driver's License or Utility statements. I prefer to get my important mail at a P.O. Box and Chase even had that address on file for other accounts. However, every time I applied for new credit, my app got hung up if I used the P.O. Box address instead of street address. I finally gave up and just used the street address for most recent apps and they went more smoothly. It just makes me have to change the preferred address for the account once the card is activated.
Did you call the Chase Reconsideration line and offer to send documentation? They should have at least snail-mailed you something about that. The Chase reconsideration line phone number is 1-888-270-2127. That may have been all you needed to do. Absent you providing what they needed, they would just deny based on unable to verify identity.
Well, Synchrony sent me a letter asking me to call them to verify myself because they couldn’t and Chase called me the next day after I submitted my application and asked a few questions and I answered them. I can’t imagine how my answers could be wrong but who knows. I received the denial letter from Chase a week or 2 later.
I didnt call Synchrony to verify myself or call Chase for recon because to be honest I wasn’t too invested in getting the Amazon cards.
Now I am actually kind of glad I didn’t get approved. Or I would truly be lol/24.
@FieryDance wrote:How do you check for soft pulls? I thought the whole point of soft pulls is they don’t leave a mark so why are they still found and counted? I know in theory a soft pull signifies you are not seeking for credit but just checking, but still if it leaves a mark in your file, lenders can and will read things into them.
Anyway, how can I check who soft pulled me? (I bet 95% came from myself.
Soft pulls will show up on your full credit report.
They'll show up like "Inquires Shared with Others" (HPs) or "Inquiries Shared only with You" (SPs).
A soft pull allows a lender to keep an eye on your activity with other accounts without causing a hard inquiry that will affect your score. Most lenders will soft pull periodically just to see how you are managing your credit life as a whole and to make sure they don't need to be concerned about your ability to repay them. That is why AA with one lender and derogatory information can lead to a domino effect on your other accounts.
If you signed up for credit monitoring services to include Credit Karma, Credit Sesame, Wallet Hub, or some paid services, you will probably see SPs for them on your file as well as your lenders.
You might also see SPs from utility companies or cell phone providers, for example. Anyone you do business with that wants to see your ability to repay.
Soft pulls show up on your credit report just so that you can see who has been accessing your records. It's for the credit bureau's record-keeping and ultimately for the consumer's protection.
@Aim_High wrote:
@FieryDance wrote:How do you check for soft pulls? I thought the whole point of soft pulls is they don’t leave a mark so why are they still found and counted? I know in theory a soft pull signifies you are not seeking for credit but just checking, but still if it leaves a mark in your file, lenders can and will read things into them.
Anyway, how can I check who soft pulled me? (I bet 95% came from myself.
Soft pulls will show up on your full credit report.
They'll show up like "Inquires Shared with Others" (HPs) or "Inquiries Shared only with You" (SPs).
A soft pull allows a lender to keep an eye on your activity with other accounts without causing a hard inquiry that will affect your score. Most lenders will soft pull periodically just to see how you are managing your credit life as a whole and to make sure they don't need to be concerned about your ability to repay them. That is why AA with one lender and derogatory information can lead to a domino effect on your other accounts.
If you signed up for credit monitoring services to include Credit Karma, Credit Sesame, Wallet Hub, or some paid services, you will probably see SPs for them on your file as well as your lenders.
You might also see SPs from utility companies or cell phone providers, for example. Anyone you do business with that wants to see your ability to repay.
Soft pulls show up on your credit report just so that you can see who has been accessing your records. It's for the credit bureau's record-keeping and ultimately for the consumer's protection.
Thank you for the detailed answer!
One more question, who can see who soft pulled me? Can lenders see them? If so they will see that I soft pull myself everyday now. Wouldn’t that be a bad look?
@FieryDance wrote:
@Aim_High wrote:
@FieryDance wrote:The denial reasons for both were they couldn’t verify my identity.
Well, Synchrony sent me a letter asking me to call them to verify myself because they couldn’t ...
Hmmm ... I wonder what the problem is.
Have you not yet established permanent residency? Lol
@FieryDance wrote:
Thank you for the detailed answer!
One more question, who can see who soft pulled me?
You're welcome, glad to help.
They'll show up like "Inquires Shared with Others" (HPs)
or "Inquiries Shared only with You" (SPs).
So the answer is, only the credit bureau and YOU see the soft pulls.
When a lender pulls a credit report whether it's a SP or HP, the other SPs are never shared.
1@Aim_High wrote:
@FieryDance wrote:
@Aim_High wrote:
@FieryDance wrote:The denial reasons for both were they couldn’t verify my identity.
Well, Synchrony sent me a letter asking me to call them to verify myself because they couldn’t ...
Hmmm ... I wonder what the problem is.
Have you not yet established permanent residency? Lol
Lol! I honestly can’t imagine how they couldn’t verify me either. My husband and I own the residence we live in for several years now so we should be quite established.
When I checked Chase Journey a couple of days ago they could find me just fine.
@FieryDance wrote:
Hmmm ... I wonder what the problem is.Have you not yet established permanent residency? Lol
Lol! I honestly can’t imagine how they couldn’t verify me either. My husband and I own the residence we live in for several years now so we should be quite established.
When I checked Chase Journey a couple of days ago they could find me just fine.
Have you pulled all three of your full credit reports lately?
I would start with that ... order all three bureaus and carefully check the addresses on record.
You can do it free once annually from each bureau.
Make sure you don't go to just any website because they may try to upsell you.
Go to: Annual Credit Report (.) com. (not FREE credit report; that is for-profit)
You can either download them or have them mailed to you.
@Aim_High wrote:Have you pulled all three of your full credit reports lately?
I would start with that ... order all three bureaus and carefully check the addresses on record.
You can do it free once annually from each bureau.
Make sure you don't go to just any website because they may try to upsell you.
Go to: Annual Credit Report (.) com. (not FREE credit report; that is for-profit)
You can either download them or have them mailed to you.
Well, not on annual credit report dot com but I checked on and paid $1 for all 3 reports and scores and my current address is correct on all 3.
@Aim_High wrote:
@CreditInspired wrote:
@TruFlavor wrote:
I am looking to apply for the Amazon credit card by Chase.
I’m curious as to whether or not the 5/24 rule applies to chase co-branded accounts
Do they pull from all 3 bureaus?Chase loves HPs and will definitely pull 2, sometimes 3.
Chase does not always pull more than one bureau, but they seem to for new customers or thinner files. It appears they do always pull EX as a minimum. I am a 19 year customer of Chase (Credit only, not banking). In the past 16 months, they have approved me for 5 new cards and ALL FIVE were SINGLE pulls with EX. According to MyFico thread on Which Banks Pull Which Bureaus, others have had mixed results. Nobody reported 3 pulls like Capital One does; two was the most I’ve seen.
At at one time, apparently 5/24 did not apply to all cards so you may see outdated comments online about that. They have tightened the policy and it appears to apply to all their card apps now.
It's funny, I am just the opposite. I am over 19-years customer with CHASE (banking only, never credit) and they NEVER send me a mailer for a CC and I never have the infamous black (or even green) check mark to apply for a CHASE CC and the pre-approved site for CHASE always says:
"We are unable to locate any offers for you at this time
This may be because you have opted out of "prescreened" offers from Chase and other companies or you have recently responded to another offer from Chase." LOL, I know it so well I can almost quote it from memory
...and being always over this dumb 5/24 rule, I probably will never have a CHASE card either, oh well.
@Brian_Earl_Spilner wrote:
@Aim_High wrote:
@Brian_Earl_Spilner wrote:
@Aim_High wrote:
@CreditInspired wrote:
@TruFlavor wrote:
I am looking to apply for the Amazon credit card by Chase.
I’m curious as to whether or not the 5/24 rule applies to chase co-branded accounts
Do they pull from all 3 bureaus?Chase loves HPs and will definitely pull 2, sometimes 3.
Chase does not always pull more than one bureau, but they seem to for new customers or thinner files. It appears they do always pull EX as a minimum. I am a 19 year customer of Chase (Credit only, not banking). In the past 16 months, they have approved me for 5 new cards and ALL FIVE were SINGLE pulls with EX. According to MyFico thread on Which Banks Pull Which Bureaus, others have had mixed results. Nobody reported 3 pulls like Capital One does; two was the most I’ve seen.
At at one time, apparently 5/24 did not apply to all cards so you may see outdated comments online about that. They have tightened the policy and it appears to apply to all their card apps now.
Chase always pulls two, EX and usually EQ, but it can vary based on location. Whether or not the second pull is hard or soft is the question. If you pull your annual report, it will show the soft pulls. Amex is the same way. For my Delta Gold, they pulled EX and TU. Others have reported when pulling their reports that amex pulled a hard EX and soft TU. Things may have changed since I left Chase, but last I heard (within the last year), it's still policy to pull 2 bureaus. If they truly only pulled EX, because you already have a history with them, then your approvals are based on your CARS (Credit Acquisition Risk Score; internal scoring). But I can almost guarantee they also soft pulled EQ.
I did not look into soft pulls so that may be the case, but my understanding is MyFicoers were reporting two hard pulls were always normal. That is definitely not the case, as my experience shows. But it seems to me that when we are talking about pulls on MyFico, most members mix that term with inquiries (or hard pulls). If we talk about both hard and soft pulls on apps, I think it over complicates the discussion. I don’t really care if they soft pull the others. It has no score impact for me in the future and I have nothing to hide. My reports are all similar.
No, 2 HP are not required for approval. You can definitely get approved with a single EX HP, but Chase policy is to pull 2 reports for applications, so there's an SP somewhere if you only got 1 HP. Like you said, it really doesn't matter because nobody but you will see it, if you even bother looking.
I used to work for Chase and still talk to my old co-workers that still work there. That's why I said I just confirmed within the last year that pulling 2 reports is still policy.
Tell them to send me a pre-approved mailer