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Do you know the different between the discover it cash back and the discover it bt? They look the same to me.. am I missing something? It's for sure a good option although not sure how much I want to pay attention to rotating categories.
@CreditSage wrote:Freedom Unlimited looks ineresting.. is the 12 month wait a hard and fast rule? I was hoping for the CSP before then. Also, how are their SL usually?
IMHO, I think because you have a thin credit file, your SL would be on the low end for the Freedom Unlimited.
I dont think you would be approved for the CSP at this time due to limited credit history (2CCs).
Prior to applying for any CCs, definitely do a prequal before pulling the trigger.
@CreditInspired wrote:
@CreditSage wrote:Freedom Unlimited looks ineresting.. is the 12 month wait a hard and fast rule? I was hoping for the CSP before then. Also, how are their SL usually?
IMHO, I think because you have a thin credit file, your SL would be on the low end for the Freedom Unlimited.
I dont think you would be approved for the CSP at this time due to limited credit history (2CCs).
Prior to applying for any CCs, definitely do a prequal before pulling the trigger.
I closed a secured capital one CC last week.. did that put me in thin file territory? OR, do closed accounts factor into file thickness/thinness? I have one fully paid off car loan, one closed cc, and two charged off badies which I settled years back.. thanks in advance!
Also, do AU accounts factor into 5/24 or AoYA?
DW just picked up a Citi DC for exactly this reason... 18 months 0% on BTs AND purchases. Right now, we're carrying a balance on it, but when paid off, it'll be a semi useful 2% cashback card.
The Citi DC looks like a good option and 2% is pretty good.
@Anonymous wrote:
Discover has a 18 month 0% BT offer with 3% fee and 6 months 0% purchase apr. That may be what u are looking for. Card also have cashback match the first year and rotating 5% categories.
Just google discover 18 month balance transfer offer and apply from the link through nerd wallet.
Why do you suggest the link through nerdwallet instead of direct with issuer? The reason I ask, I applied for Chase prequal through nerdwallet yesterday (they asked for Social, birthday, etc.) and was approved however direct through Chase I was not approved. I posed this situation to the community and they said nerdwallet prequalifications are fluff/nonesense. I see you are specifically calling out nerdwallet so I wanted to get your take/experience on this. Thanks!
went with Chase Freedom but SL is too low to actually be useful as a BT :/
@CreditSage wrote:What's a good BT card with long term value? I'd like to transfer some high interest (16%) debt to a 0% card. If there is a 0% purchase APR as well that would be great. If I am takign a HP and having to take on an additional card I'd like it to have long term value either through PC or some other form. A goal card of mine is CSP so perhaps a Chase BT card?
Here are my current cards:
NFCU Amex (which has the debt)
Capital One Quicksilver
Thankson advance for the help.