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@Anonymous wrote:
EQ 606
EX 622
TU 637
I'd wait until you were at least 670 and up to be safe. I assume you have a couple of baddies holding your scores down? They need to age longer. Do you have at least 3 revolving tradelines and one installment TL?
I was going to close one of my Capital One cards. When I called in, I found out I was able to combine all off of my cards, so I did. It's one of the hight credit lines I have. I used once a month and that's basically it.
I don't have a bad thing to say about them. I burned them for 5k in my bankruptcy and they gave me 3 cards over the last 5 years with decent credit lines.
Guyatthe beach
Thats great
They didn't even attempt to combine mine, but it's okay. I am glad ot worked well for you
@Gmood1 wrote:
@Anonymous wrote:
EQ 606
EX 622
TU 637I'd wait until you were at least 670 and up to be safe. I assume you have a couple of baddies holding your scores down? They need to age longer. Do you have at least 3 revolving tradelines and one installment TL?
I concur, you will be declined for Venture with those current scores.
My CapOne is one of my longest lines of credit, because of that I won't close it. I only use it for around $70 worth of monthly subscriptions that get paid in full every month.