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My suggestion is to pay your current card down at least to 30%. Your score will rise just from lowering your utilization. It will also give you a better shot at approvals.
@HigherFico wrote:
I have a595 and just need some cards with available credit to help my credit. I have some recent delinquents and one card close to 1K max. Are there any unsecured cards that I could would approve me I already have capital one.
With a 595 score you need more than just more cards. Score is not directly affected at all by total available credit.
To have such a low score, there are a number of negative factors (you list recent delinquent payments and high utilization on one card).
Before thinking about taking on any more credit (which is potential debt, potential delinquent payments, etc), you may want to instead take a step back and get your finances in order. Ask yourself why that one card is nearly maxed out, and why you had delinquent payments.
Unless the delinquent payments were due to something entirely out of your control (major accident that put you out of work for months, mass layoff, etc) you probably want to get that under control first.
Second, get that card paid down. Remember, high utilization tells a potential creditor that you don't make enough to pay your bills. If you did, you would (should) have low or no balances on credit cards. This makes them not want to extend credit to you because they think you won't pay them back. Add in your history with delinquent payments, and just to be honest most main banks and credt unions would be very leery of extending any unsecured credit at the moment.
If you focus on paying down your existing debt, and make sure to responsibly pay everything on time - eventually your credit scores will show that and major lenders will be willing to give you a shot.
sell something and pay the card down to ~9%
Hi there,
Is your 595 an actual FICO score? Your signature says 627. Anyhow your going to be hard pressed to find many decent options with a 595, especially since you already have the go to lender in this case, Cap One. Your recent delinquencies and utilization are no doubt going to hold you back. A new card at this point may improve your utilization, but that will not solve the underlying issues. I would consider holding off on any apps and just focus on bringing down your utilization and dealing with the damage from the delinquencies. Sometimes adding additional credit at this stage can do more harm than good. Best of luck with your endeavors and we are always here to help.
With recent derogs, maxed out limits and a score below 600 (if it is a real FICO score), the only unsecured credit that I think you have a shot at would possibly be some store cards. This might help with your overall utilization, but wouldn't do anything about existing cards that are near their limits. I think you may potentially have a shot some Comenity store cards, but they'll likely start you at a $250 limit.
It should go without saying that you shouldn't do any actual spending if you're approved for any new cards. If you have any doubt that you'll be able to control your spending on new cards, you shouldn't go for them. You didn't provide a lot of detail, but the only way to improve your situation is to stop spending and pay down your balances with on-time payments. Seeking more credit is almost never the answer to credit problems. Don't dig yourself a deeper hole.