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So i'm curious has anybody got a REDcard CLI during the pandemic?
I'm still stuck at $800 however my usage is pretty low on the card over it's life.
I wonder if during holidays they'll give out CLIs like they did for me
The most reliable way to get a CLI on a REDcard is pretty well known. Put a fair amount of spend on it every month, let the balance report, and pay off the entire statement balance each month.
If you sockdrawer the card and only occasionally put spend on it the odds are it will never grow.
No CLI for me, I am sitting at $800 as well right now. I do use it every month and only occasionally let a balance report
I have been at $2800 since 2014.
That amount is more than I will ever spend at Target, but I am hoping for a Mastercard upgrade. I have put tons of spending (last statement was $496) on the card in the last 12 months. I don't even care if they increase the limit; I just want the upgrade.
I have been told that CLI/upgrades happen in January and February, so we'll see!
I wish you luck, and stay healthy !!
Been at $13,000 since December. I was due in June for my 'regular' 6 month auto CLI...nothing. There are a few others who had the same result.
@Anonymous wrote:So i'm curious has anybody got a REDcard CLI during the pandemic?
I'm still stuck at $800 however my usage is pretty low on the card over it's life.
I wonder if during holidays they'll give out CLIs like they did for me
In January I got CLI from $2500 to $9000, along with letter of MC upgrade in March. Nothing since that.
@blindambition wrote:
@Anonymous wrote:So i'm curious has anybody got a REDcard CLI during the pandemic?
I'm still stuck at $800 however my usage is pretty low on the card over it's life.
I wonder if during holidays they'll give out CLIs like they did for me
In January I got CLI from $2500 to $9000, along with letter of MC upgrade in March. Nothing since that.
@blindambition, Vegas here we come!
@coldfusion wrote:The most reliable way to get a CLI on a REDcard is pretty well known. Put a fair amount of spend on it every month, let the balance report, and pay off the entire statement balance each month.
If you sockdrawer the card and only occasionally put spend on it the odds are it will never grow.
@coldfusion, Your post just crushed all my hopes
I got my first CLI to $800 in either April or May, can't remember which. Think it was April.