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Is there a guide on the steps how to do the 3x CLI 61days?
What is best to increase 3x CLI odds?
Paying current balance down before statement closing date?
To let statement close with a 1% Utilization or 2%.. 5%.. 10%.. 30%.. 50%.. or more of current total credit limit?
To pay the statment in full on due date or just the minimum payment due?
any tips/hacks will be appreciated.
Thank you for sharing
Have the Following:
CashBack Cards Goals: Citi Rewards+
Status: Doing my Homework before I App
Note to Self: Focus on the Abundance of Love and you shall have more!
AMEX loves pay-in-full behavior. With the exception of some restrictions imposed during the first 30 days after adding a payment account, AMEX doesn't care if you wait for the statement or if you pay early and often. They give you the opportunity to make five payments in a day if you'd like.
They'll tolerate paying less than the full statement balance as long as your payments are well over the minimum. That's probably more important than whatever your utilization is. Still, because 28.9% is considered to be "responsible" across the industry, I'd try to stay under that.
DW just got 12k cli on day 62 and that is all she asked for.
We we’re not paying in full due to 0% but made several payments each month each over the min.
Owed abut $2k on $8k limit when they instantly approved $20 limit.
I think everyone else covered it pretty well on payments. Amex loves to see you pay the statement in full. It's been my experience that they really don't care much what reports as long as it gets paid relatively quickly. Each month my BCP reports at least $400-$500 from grocery use. It gets paid before the next statement, but just from organic use that much accrues again for the next round.
Speaking of use...Amex likes to see it. It doesn't have to be super heavy, but regular and consistent goes a long way. In the 2.5 years I have had the BCP mentioned above the CL has increased from $1k to just over $12k (including a $6k auto Cli) partly due to the consistent usage mentioned above.
I was approved for my AMEX BCP card in September 2017. After an auto-CLI and several denials of other CLIs, I finally was approved for a 3X CLI in January 2019. My card went from a SL of $8K to $24K.
What others have said about heavy utilization and paying your balance down is correct. It also helps to have some history with the card and with AMEX in general. So if you don't get a 3X CLI right away after 61 days, don't despair! You'll likely get one eventually if you keep using the card and paying your balance down regularly.
My SPG card was my first Amex card. It took about 2 months to finish the sign up bonus. So for the first 61 days the usage was heavy. And I regularly pay the card off when I have some balance. Statements usually show 3% utl. SL was 6000 and was instantly approved for 18k.
As long as you keep everything reasonable I think you will be good.