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The highest CLI I got was on my BofA CCR when I asked for a $9K CLI from $1K to $10K in February 2021. At the time my highest limit was $6K on my Apple Card and I thought $10K was the moon back then.
Mine came from Penfed. On the 1 rare occasion I had a quarterly offer. 11,200 or 11,400. Can't remember which. And if you want to talk cumulatively, hands down Navy federal. 2 accounts opened at about 7 months apart. Each started at 25k. Via sp, all cli increases and capped at 80 a long time ago. Probably close to two years. Not bad, 2 inquiries for 80k.
I got a 7k increase on my Care Credit card from 5k to 12k.
I got the card for an emergency surgery for one of my dogs in Oct 2019 and it started at $750 and I was denied every CLI for over a year and a half. I was only asking for 1k increases and then in May 2021 I ask for 5k and got 2.5. 6 months later I asked for 5k and got it and then 6 months after that I went for 12 and got it.
Mine was with Chase on my CFU for 23.4K. I called in for the cli request and they doubled my limit to 46.8K a few weeks ago. Chase will sometimes give you the most they're willing to give without you specifying a number.
The highest for me would be Amex HH in Sept '22; $15.2K CLI from $17K to $32.2K. It was a counteroffer, originally I asked to double the limit. I immediately moved $2.2K over to BCE taking it from $1K to $3.2K.
Interesting Amex DP:
Before the CLI my total Amex exposure between 3 personal and 2 Biz cards was $34.7K. After reading over tons of threads on the forums that Amex typically asks for IV over $35K exposure I was fully prepared to comply but received no such request. Then after totaling my new limits to realize my now Amex exposure is $49.9K, I reached out to Amex via both chat and phone w/ CSR to ask was exposure over $35K a signal for IV, they both said NO, that it's profile dependent on what max exposure would be. With that being said, IMO I then knew why Amex approved my CLI of $15.2K instead of the requested $17K, b/c they didn't feel comfortable with me being at $50K plus exposure. At least that's how it appears to me.
Chase Prime auto increased 242% from $6000 to $20500 last month.
Lowes card (AU) dollar wise at $22000. $13000 to $35000 in the spring of 2021.
My biggest jumps were from Sync and BoA
Sam's WEMC - $10K to 20K in one shot last year
BoA - 10K jump in 2021 and then back-to-back $8K increases late 2022 and last month.