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Cool Data to Share this Month - NFCU SSL, AU (Citi Sears), AU (Capital 1)

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Cool Data to Share this Month - NFCU SSL, AU (Citi Sears), AU (Capital 1)

I will be sharing my FICO data points soon. Hopefully the first in the next 24-48 hours

Current Experian - 651

Current Transunion - 599

Current Equifax - 658


Credit History - AAOA 5 year 7 months ; AOOA 12 years




Open Sky - 0% Utilization / $200 CL  (perfect payment history) age 7 months

Greent Dot -  0% Utilization / $200 CL - age 1 month

Discover Secured - 0% Utilization / $200 CL - age 1 month

Closed Installments 

Wells Fargo Dealer Services - 11.83 years, perfect payment history PIF

Fifth Third Bank - 9.5 years, 12 30day, 6 60day = 18 total lates. (April 2019 will be 4 years from my last late) PIF

Closed Collection

Enhanced Recovery  4/25/17 (TU only) Dispute should be completed any day. It's been removed from EX, EQ



1.) NFCU should be reporting literally any day - 8%

2.) AU Citi Sear on my Mothers card (higher than I would like utilization 78%) $3500 on $4500 CL; 22 years old

3.) AU Captial 1 Journey Card (0% Utilization) $8500 CL; 2 years 3 months

4.) Secured Capital One $200 CL


Holler at everyone soon! I'm PUMPED! 

Not applicable

Cool Data to Share this Month - NFCU SSL, AU (Citi Sears), AU (Capital 1)



Open Sky - 0% Utilization / $200 CL  (perfect payment history) age 7 months

Greent Dot -  0% Utilization / $200 CL - age 1 month

Discover Secured - 0% Utilization / $200 CL - age 1 month

Closed Installments 

Wells Fargo Dealer Services - 11.83 years, perfect payment history PIF

Fifth Third Bank - 9.5 years, 12 30day, 6 60day = 18 total lates. (April 2019 will be 4 years from my last late) PIF

Closed Collection

Enhanced Recovery  4/25/17 (TU only) Dispute should be completed any day. It's been removed from EX, EQ



1.) NFCU should be reporting literally any day - 8%

2.) AU Citi Sear on my Mothers card (higher than I would like utilization 78%) $3500 on $4500 CL; 22 years old

3.) AU Captial 1 Journey Card (0% Utilization) $8500 CL; 2 years 3 months

4.) Secured Capital One $200 CL


Holler at everyone soon! I'm PUMPED! 

Message 2 of 7
Senior Contributor

Re: Cool Data to Share this Month - NFCU SSL, AU (Citi Sears), AU (Capital 1)

Keep up the great work! Looks like that dispute is giving you a nice boost as well.

FICO 8 (Feb 2018):EX- 519, TU- 530, EQ- 545
FICO 8 (Sept 2022):EX- 706, TU- 685, EQ- 684
What's in my wallet:

Message 3 of 7
Not applicable

Re: Cool Data to Share this Month - NFCU SSL, AU (Citi Sears), AU (Capital 1)

Thanks - Really appreciate the kind words!


You know what's weird? That dispute hasn't changed my score at all. It's stayed the same. My TU has been at 599 for the last month. I did randomly get a 12 point boost via myFICO yesterday but I doubt it has anything to do with the dispute. I started that close to 30 days ago. I'm hoping for a removal - it worked on EX and EQ. We shall see soon - that should be finalized any day as well. :-) 

Message 4 of 7
Not applicable

Re: Cool Data to Share this Month - NFCU SSL, AU (Citi Sears), AU (Capital 1)

So far only my Transunion is reporting the SSL. I received a 12 point bump. It was reported on 10/31/18 but didn't actually show up until 11/3/18. Not the bump I had hoped for but Transunion is my only CRA that has a collection and that collection is currently under dispute. Not sure if that has something to do with it?
Will report back once they hit EX & EQ
Message 5 of 7
Not applicable

Re: Cool Data to Share this Month - NFCU SSL, AU (Citi Sears), AU (Capital 1)


SSL reported to:

Transunion & Equifax  7.6% UTI


AU reported to:

Experian - Citi Sears Card

  • 20% UTI increased to 80%
  • AOOA increased from 12 yrs 1mo to 22 yrs & 3 mo
  • Increased AAOA from 3 yrs 6-9 months to 7 yrs 6 months

Inquires Added:

EX - 3

TU - 3

EQ - 4



FICO Scores are even or increased since

EX was 651 now 651

TU was 599 now 611

EQ was 658 now 671


Approved for NFCU Rewards $1,000 CL - yet to receive or report

Capital One Secured: 200 CL will report for first time 11/13/18

AU Capital One Journey will report 11/21/18 (2 years perfect history; 0% UTI) $8,500 CL

Still waiting for SSL to report to Experian

Still waiting for Citi Au to report to EQ and TU


Message 6 of 7
Not applicable

Re: Cool Data to Share this Month - NFCU SSL, AU (Citi Sears), AU (Capital 1)

***Updated: 11/11/18***


SSL - As of today is still only showing up on TU and EQ. Mildly surprised EX hasn't show yet - its normally my first and I just ran the Experian  FICO credit report refresh today (it reported on the 10/31/18). Can't say I've see much of a score change. I do have 2 baddies but no other open installment loans. Reported at 8% utilization first month. Maybe this is something that will gradually improve my score? Was really banking on at least 25 points - hasn't happened as of today. However I have recently taken some inquiry hits along with new accounts. I only did the 6 months. I plan to app early and do the 60 month so it can kick in right as this one ends in April. 


1 AU is reporting on all 3:

Experian, Equifax and Transunion - Citi Sears Card: I've seen some solid gains with this card already. Even with the high utilization. The history (22 years) must have had too big of an impact on my thin file that it still resulted in a positive manner? 

  • 20% UTI increased to 80%
  • AOOA increased from 12 yrs 1mo to 22 yrs & 3 mo
  • Increased AAOA from 3 yrs 6-9 months to 7 yrs 6 months


FICO Scores Updated 11/11/18

EX was 651 now 638 (No SSL)

TU was 611 now 625

EQ was 671 now 678


  1. Approved for NFCU Rewards $1,000 CL - yet to receive or report (My first unsecured card since college -ie: 14 years ago :-))
  2. Capital One Secured: 200 CL will report for first time 11/13/18
  3. AU Capital One Journey will report 11/21/18 (2 years perfect history; 0% UTI) $8,500 CL ----this will drop my over all utilization from 80% to 27.29% when all new accounts report despite the Citi AU high balance. 
  4. Still waiting for SSL to report to Experian


Last decision to make until the garden until around April/June 2019. Apply for the pre-qualified BB&T and take 1 last inquiry for an unsecured card. They are my primary bank for checking,savings,IRA, etc have offered me around 21% APR/0% first 15 months. Might make this my final one if my banks provides some reassurance of approval.  

Message 7 of 7
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