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My understanding is that one of the biggest factors between the two models is number of cards reporting balances. Evidently the mortgage model is much more sensitive to this number, so you'll really want to have AZEO in place... where with FICO 08 it's not nearly as important.
A few other differences between Fico mortgage score factors based on my observations and other poster comments include:
1) Fico mortgage puts a bit more weight to individual card UT% than does Fico 8
2) Fico 8 puts a bit more weight to aggregate CC UT% than does Fico mortgage
3) Fico 8 puts less weight to opening one or two new accounts than does Fico mortgage. However, it appears that opening a bunch of new accounts close together is given more weight with Fico 8.
4) Isolated 30 day lates have less of an impact on Fico 8 score than on Fico mortgage score.
5) All collections hurt Fico mortgage score regardless of dollar amount or type of collection. Fico 8 "ignores) collections under $100 in scoring and discounts impact of medical collections.
6) Systemic late payments will be more harmful to Fico 8 scores compared to impact on Fico mortgage scores.