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When I first open and start using the card for first week every time I charge something on the card I got an alert on phone to the amount and wher it charge no matter how smal the charge was. In the last week the alerts don't come in and when I call US bank they can't get ther act together, first they told me thay wher having problems with alert system then can't keep it working some times I get the alert and other times don't get alert after the charge was made. Amy one else having same problem?
@firefox100 wrote:
When I first open and start using the card for first week every time I charge something on the card I got an alert on phone to the amount and wher it charge no matter how smal the charge was. In the last week the alerts don't come in and when I call US bank they can't get ther act together, first they told me thay wher having problems with alert system then can't keep it working some times I get the alert and other times don't get alert after the charge was made. Amy one else having same problem?
So did this correct itself or is it still happening? I'm also responding in order to bump your post.
It is working now. you can dump the post.