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Langley Federal Credit Union

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Re: Langley Federal Credit Union

@Appleman wrote:

Langley has one of the longer credit apps. Standard information but also asks about any new credit applications in the last 60 days etc.

As I am on the wagon (in the garden) I will let me checking and savings accounts with them mature.

Good info about the recent credit apps. I am considering branching out from NFCU and as I am low income like AJC, this one is on my list since PenFed doesn’t seem to like low income. Maybe I’ll look at Langley later this year. 


EQ is sitting at 5 inquiries right now though. Disco falls in March, PenFed in September, one NFCU in September but the last two NFCU are December. Ugh people really aren’t kidding about NFCU HPs!

Message 31 of 68
Legendary Contributor

Re: Langley Federal Credit Union

Lol, yes my reports are graveyard for Navy hps but not as bad as Boa or useless ones done for Chase or other banks that have nothing to show for. Thus i want to strive for 0/24Smiley Wink
Message 32 of 68
Not applicable

Re: Langley Federal Credit Union

Wasted a EQ hp today. I was only trying to open a savings account for now and get a free EQ-08 score.
I was thinking I might apply for credit down the road after I tried Penfed again in a few months.


After submitting an application on Sunday, got an email Tuesday.

There was no previous email with a link to my application and I looked all over the site but couldn't find a way to log in there either.
So, I called the number. Tuesday the office closed early for employee appreciation activities. Today, I call again and they answered. They asked for SSN and requested I unlock Equifax report, alright.


Next part is where it went south for me, the standard questions from your credit report to verify your identity. There seemed to be an unusal amount of questions that the answers were "none of the above". I asked to repeat several of the multiple choice answers because most were unfamiliar. After 3 rounds I apparently screwed up each and every time. The whole time I was staring at my EQ report on CK as a reference. Not sure where the error was, innacurate questions, poor pronunciation on the CSR's part, a mishearing on my part.... a small part of me even suspects it was done on purpose because they didn't like something on my application.


Anyways, after that its "you are locked out for 30 days or you can come into a branch to verify your identity." That's not very convienient being a couple thousand miles away.

I'm not too happy with the experience, mostly the needless HP. They are just doing their job to prevent fraudulent credit apps though and I guess its a little comfort its not easy to guess your way through.

The service was just average. The CSR wasn't rude at all but also didn't go out of the way to be helpful.


Maybe I'll try again in 6 months or a year but for now I'm a bit put off. I guess I'm stuck doing the $1 CCT trials every month to get that last FICO 08 score.

Message 33 of 68
Legendary Contributor

Re: Langley Federal Credit Union

Sorry about your experience. I really dont like those Equifax questions as many times you know you are right but something doesnt match up with how Equifax words your info. I too am thousands of miles so if that happened to me i would probably let it be. I had some issues with Nasa Fed and after my second attempt i just gave up. Good luck should you choose to app later on and thanks for sharing your experience.
Message 34 of 68
Valued Contributor

Re: Langley Federal Credit Union

That was not a very schneeshee experience
Message 35 of 68
Legendary Contributor

Re: Langley Federal Credit Union

Indeed not. For Schneeshees sake i hope for better resultsSmiley Wink
Message 36 of 68
Not applicable

Re: Langley Federal Credit Union

@DaveInAZ wrote:

@AverageJoesCredit wrote:

Recently tried for the cash back visa as it seems there are some interesting 5% rotating cats , at least in the few months ive been a member. I applied on Sunday, Monday morning they called me about 10 am, yes, they are quick to follow up on an application, and was informed i was approved . Yeah! But mid call the csr agent realized i would have to cancel my low apr visa. Apparently im not qualified to have two credit cards so not sure if thats because of income, history, or what not. Said thank you but i like to kerp my low apr card. Withdrew app though i already got hard pull.

A few days later i figured let me try for a Line of Credit to utilize same pull and not have anything to show. Decided to just try for $2000 and put in my application. Wouldnt you know it, they called me back and said APPROVEDSmiley Happy. My first Line of Credit ever. And its at a respectable 9. 25% . They just send you e documents that you sign and easy peasy , its in my account.

So feel free to add data points as you join . I believe my last approval of the LOC had me at 755 Eq . Ive also started a small savings with Langley. Probably better rates out there but heck, a penny saved a penny earnedSmiley Wink. Also dont think they restrict you geographically. Not a branch anywhere even remotely close to meSmiley Wink

Do you know if that Cash Back Visa 5% category changes monthly? Just checked it and it say 5% on groceries & wholesale - January only. Might be interesting if it changes monthly but could be hard to keep up with, Discover 5% quarterly is hard enough to keep in mind - I was at a grocery store Friday and started to pull out my usual Amex BCE for 3% and remembered just in time Disco started 5% groceries Jan. 1. 


Great you're having such good experience with Langley. I'm not very happy with Pentagon either, but I just have the required Share savings. I got a nice HELOC with them in 2017, but still shaking my head that it took them 3 1/2 months to get it done. They did approve me for a PCR card when I joined, but with a low limit. I closed it after only 6 months when I got PayPal 2% Cashback card and decided it wasn't worth keeping $500 in Penfed checking to avoid fees and get 2% on PCR. BTW, the lowest APR on Select is now 9.25% while the lowest on Cashback is 11.25%. For a difference of only 2% APR I'll take Cashback, but I'm big on rewards and don't carry a balance unless it's 0% promo.


I see the rotating 5% category on the cash back card changed again.

Message 37 of 68
Not applicable

Re: Langley Federal Credit Union

Bummer, looks like no bonus category this month.

Message 38 of 68
Senior Contributor

Re: Langley Federal Credit Union

There's a post in Auton loans, "Langley FCU - worst customer service ever?" who said after sucessfully joining Langley a month before he app'd for a car loan refi and kept getting declined for "not eligible for membership" and couldn't get past that even after calling in and the rep confirmed he was a member. I'll pass on Langley, I have enough CU accounts.


As for security questions, even though they're pulling EQ for credit report for identity verification they likely could be using Lexis Nexis or similar that has much more info on you than the CRAs. I get asked questions about my sister who lives in Ohio, where I grew up, but we're not close and I haven't seen her in over 10 years, Lexis Nexis connects us from our parent's address in Ohio in the 1980s. And I recently failed a question about the name of a neighborhood where I lived, I answered None of the Above and Gong! Wrong!. Later I remembered that the area where my house in Vegas was, where I lived in the 1990s, was known as Paradise Palms, one of the choices, even though my mailing address was Las Vegas.

Message 39 of 68
Established Contributor

Re: Langley Federal Credit Union

@DaveInAZ wrote:

There's a post in Auton loans, "Langley FCU - worst customer service ever?" who said after sucessfully joining Langley a month before he app'd for a car loan refi and kept getting declined for "not eligible for membership" and couldn't get past that even after calling in and the rep confirmed he was a member. I'll pass on Langley, I have enough CU accounts.


As for security questions, even though they're pulling EQ for credit report for identity verification they likely could be using Lexis Nexis or similar that has much more info on you than the CRAs. I get asked questions about my sister who lives in Ohio, where I grew up, but we're not close and I haven't seen her in over 10 years, Lexis Nexis connects us from our parent's address in Ohio in the 1980s. And I recently failed a question about the name of a neighborhood where I lived, I answered None of the Above and Gong! Wrong!. Later I remembered that the area where my house in Vegas was, where I lived in the 1990s, was known as Paradise Palms, one of the choices, even though my mailing address was Las Vegas.

Yea most of those Security questions comes from lexis Nexis and other data miners.

Message 40 of 68
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