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Hello Everyone,
I am new here, but have been lurking the last few weeks. I had excellent credit up until a horrendous last year that resulted in a 30 day late payment on my Capital One credit card this past January. I also have two 30 days late on a Wells Fargo Health Advantage card. In any case, I emailed a letter detailing the circumstances that led up to it to the Capital One CEO on Tuesday of this week. I received a call on Wednesday from the executive office saying they would look into it. I further detailed more circumstances I had not put in the letter. Today, I received a call that they are going to make the adjustment for me. The man from the executive office was extremely kind.
I don't feel comfortable sharing the letter due to the circumstances being rather identifiable, but I will say that I have been a long time customer with a near perfect payment history and had several deaths in the family within a 6 month time period. In addition, most of my other accounts on my report have 100% on time payment histories, so I played up some of those angles as an example of my reliability. Before sending the letter, I made sure to pay for a few months on time and to pay extra towards the balance as a show of good faith effort. I am fortunate that I have not had anything go to collections. I just wanted to share to give people some hope. Once my report updates, I will send my Wells Fargo letter. Wish me luck as I know they are a tough nut to crack.
Congrats, great work!
All my goodwill attempts were successful so far except for one card. In some cases I wrote letters and hundreds of emails to every possible email address for 18 months before they finally gave in and cleared my reports or just deleted the tradeline entirely.
One of my creditors I had multiple 90D lates on over the years but the account is still open and they cleared all my lates off after a very long time of writing letters and emails.
With Wells Fargo it may take repeated attempts but keep at it.
Thanks so much! This forum I discovered by accident, but has proved invaluable. I don't have the longevity with Wells Fargo that I did with Capital One and unfortunately they closed the account when I was late a second time, but I am keeping up with the payments. It's frustrating because the first late payment, I paid half the minimum as a show of good faith effort to pay, but still got dinged. The second time I called before it was late to make arrangements and while the manager was nice, he said there was nothing they could do because of the type of account it was (Health Advantage versus a regular credit card perhaps?) Either way I will do as you say, just keeping at it. Congrats on getting those 90 day lates removed!
Btw I love the credit score helper spreadsheet! I hadn't seen that. It breaks down nicely how much you need to pay down to hit that <30%.
@Twinmoons wrote:
That s awesome! Can you share with me the contact information for reaching the EO? Is it the PO Box you mail pay ments ?
While it cannot be posted directly here, I can have Google look it up for you, its the very top entry. In lieu of email contact you can send the letter via US Mail to their corporate HQ.
@gdale6 wrote:
@Twinmoons wrote:
That s awesome! Can you share with me the contact information for reaching the EO? Is it the PO Box you mail pay ments ?While it cannot be posted directly here, I can have Google look it up for you, its the very top entry. In lieu of email contact you can send the letter via US Mail to their corporate HQ.
Alright, I have to ask. How did you do that?
@azguy13 wrote:
@gdale6 wrote:
@Twinmoons wrote:
That s awesome! Can you share with me the contact information for reaching the EO? Is it the PO Box you mail pay ments ?While it cannot be posted directly here, I can have Google look it up for you, its the very top entry. In lieu of email contact you can send the letter via US Mail to their corporate HQ.
Alright, I have to ask. How did you do that?
LOL, Im in the dark as well, I got it from Kenny.