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this encourages me to find as many addresses for my macy's card removal.. i know its a different bank.. but still encouraging to read! congrats!!
Congratulations and nice job going 3 Rounds with the Saturation Technique! While it took me about 3 Rounds on one of my dirty Synchrony accounts, it took around 10 Rounds on the other (dirtier) one. Great work!
I just received notification that my Lowe’s Credit line which was closed as a charge off in early 2017 and subsequently paid in full was deleted from my credit reports!!
I used the goodwill saturation technique and sent goodwill deletion requests to 7 different addresses for Synhrony Bank.
This was my third round of letters to Synchrony Bank. I do not know which address yielded the deletion but I am so encouraged. This was an account which was reported late 8 times including a 180 day late!
Thank you everyone for your Goodwill Success Stories.
CONGRATS! I been trying to get them to remove a few charge off from my report. Can you message me the addresses you used?
Please let me know the addresses you used also thank you so much!!
I just received notification that my Lowe’s Credit line which was closed as a charge off in early 2017 and subsequently paid in full was deleted from my credit reports!!
I used the goodwill saturation technique and sent goodwill deletion requests to 7 different addresses for Synhrony Bank.
This was my third round of letters to Synchrony Bank. I do not know which address yielded the deletion but I am so encouraged. This was an account which was reported late 8 times including a 180 day late!
Thank you everyone for your Goodwill Success Stories.CONGRATS! I been trying to get them to remove a few charge off from my report. Can you message me the addresses you used?
Would you mind sharing the addresses that you sent to?
I literally just got off the phone with someone from the Office of the President who told me I wasn't eligible for a Goodwill adjustment due to having more than one 30 day late on my account since it's been opened.
That being said, I am not giving up and would like to keep trying. Thanks in advance and congrats!
The address the written confirmation of my trade line DELETION came from
Customer Relations
PO BOX 6150
Rapid City, SD 57709 6150
i however accumulated 7 different addresses for Synchrony bank through basic googling.
@AnonymousI literally just got off the phone with someone from the Office of the President who told me I wasn't eligible for a Goodwill adjustment due to having more than one 30 day late on my account since it's been opened.
They are full of it, definitely keep trying. I had 3-6 late payments on my dirty Synchrony accounts and was able to get them all cleaned up over time.