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I have succesfully had an discover account set to fall off in 2023 removed my cr instantly via dispute process other i put early exclusion request set to fall off 05/23 and it was removed instantly this morning happy this worked i should be clear of all baddies from transunion within the next 14 days using the ny state purge law for the other 3..does anyone know what i can do about a difference dofd on experian them from equifax and transunion they have my accounts staying on longer for experian like 1 to 2 years longer
Very nice, congrats!
Was your dispute actually the EE request? Was this via phone or online dispute site?
I did dispute clicked other and put in early exclusion request and boom instant deletion did it online dispute process
I have a couple of 30 days from 2016 scheduled to fall off within the next 3-6 months so I will try that approach. I'm actually shocked it worked so well online with Transunion. Usually, IME, they just dispute the entire tradeline which yields nothing but regret for the consumer.
nope worked for even the ny purge law worked forme
I just got all 3 of my old collections removed on Transunion doing this, as you said, was instant!
glad to hear that
Congrats! I have my last baddie due to fall of this year in August so in 11 more days I will put in the request for TransUnion. I am so excited, I cannot wait! I have done the resquest the same way online with them before and it worked just as smoothly.
Fico 9
Starting (10/2019):
Current (12/2023):